Beyond Wrinkles- Exploring the Fascinating World of Cosmetic Dermatology

Cosmetic dermatology differs from medical dermatology in that patients are seeking to elevate or improve their aesthetic appearance by reversing the signs of aging versus treating medical conditions that affect the skin. But as we explore the fascinating world of cosmetic dermatology, we’ll uncover innovations in the beauty market that are ever evolving and THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology intends to keep our patients informed of the latest and best options in the industry to get you looking and feeling your best.

The term cosmetic dermatology may bring to one’s mind common methods to rejuvenate and restore the skin’s luminosity, firmness and youthfulness. Botox currently ranks among the top non-surgical cosmetic surgery treatments globally. Even with its success and continued demand, cosmetic dermatology has more to offer beyond wrinkles and the benefits of Botox. Exciting recent dermatological discoveries include wrinkle relaxers, injectable moisturizers, deeper laser skin tightening, micro-coring, scar solutions, safer acne solutions, visible collagen boosters and breakthroughs in improving side effects caused by immune deficiencies and other disorders. Cutting edge procedures are poised to revolutionize skincare and powerful treatments necessary for healing, smoothing, tightening and restructuring the skin.

The biggest trends in cosmetic dermatology are providing patients with even greater benefits than ever, including increased comfort, shorter downtime and more natural results. Facial slimming, facial balancing and a medical-grade skincare regimen to promote hydration, brightening and anti-aging effects in between treatments rate as the top advancements in technology and patient requests. Facial slimming includes surgical treatments such as a facelift or buccal fat removal as well as muscle relaxing injections. Facial balancing includes surgical intervention such as rhinoplasty or liposuction or non-surgical options such as dermal fillers injected in the jawline, chin, midface and lips. Quality skincare that includes retinol, hyaluronic acid and vitamin C will help achieve a healthy glow and sustain maintenance in between cosmetic dermatology treatments.

Your unique skin and features will determine how to best serve your needs. THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology invites you to come in for a consultation to discuss what aspects of your skin you would like improved, and we can customize an optimal treatment plan. Book your appointment by calling 602-867-7546 or visit WEBSITE for more information and a list of our services.  

Posted: January 4, 2024 By:

The Future of Dermatology-Breakthroughs in Skin Care Technology

Innovation in technology advances humanity in a multitude of ways. While trends in skincare come and go, advancement in the diagnosis and treatment of various conditions such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, hair loss, skin cancer and more are improving the quality of life for millions of people.  Dermatological diagnostics is an important part of medical research and is key to identifying the underlying causes of skin conditions. Healthcare professionals are increasingly hopeful about the future of dermatology with breakthroughs in skincare technology.

Amazing technologies that are changing the future of dermatology are rooted in digital technologies. These include telemedicine, skin checking apps, robotics, artificial intelligence, artificial skin with 3D printing, regeneration, health sensors, and nanotechnology and nanoparticles. Telemedicine has become an increasingly popular and convenient way for patients to connect with their doctors and skin concerns. Patients and doctors alike save time. With ten billion online searches aimed at hair, nail and skin issues, Google launched an artificial intelligence-based app to diagnose skin conditions. Other tech companies around the world including Skin Vision, Derm Assist and Advanced Human Imaging all have apps capable of screening skin conditions in over a hundred different categories with a simple touch on a smartphone. 

Naturally when we think of technology, we think of computers. Robotics have been coming alongside doctors for some time now as robotic arms have been proven superior to manually guided treatments, specifically in laser therapies. There are currently whole-body skin lesion mapping systems that can take 360-degree scans of the entire body to identify lesions on the skin. Artificial intelligence has seemed futuristic, but the future is now. Researchers at Stanford University created an AI diagnosis algorithm for skin cancer, developed by Google, to identify 1.28 million images representing over 2,000 different diseases. Artificial skin and 3D printing in collaboration with engineering are paving the way to create synthetic skin and helping to ensure that critical tissue shortages would not interfere with treatments offered by dermatologists. Skin regeneration is necessary for healing injuries to the skin including cosmetic treatments that cause injury to the skin by means of promoting skin cell turnover to fight the effects of aging. Researchers are working toward various innovations for regeneration. Health sensors encompass tiny gadgets that measure vital signs and health parameters. While these can benefit in the treatments of all kinds of disease, when it comes to the skin, sensor-like materials such as a wearable sensor created by Loreal can measure sun exposure and notify the user when they are about to get a sunburn, warning against skin cancer. Nanotechnology and nanoparticles have a lot to offer in the fight against cancer as well as UV-light absorbing sunscreens, anti-aging products and the topical delivery of retinoids, antioxidants and medicines for skin rejuvenation. 
Evolving technology is just scratching the surface of the wonders to behold in the future of dermatology. To stay updated on breakthroughs in skincare technology, subscribe to our WEBSITE. For your own personalized skin assessment, contact THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology at 602-867-7546.

Posted: December 25, 2023 By:

Dermatologist or Esthetician-Who Should You See for Your Skin Concerns?

When skin worries arise you may wonder which specialized care provider can best address the issue. Dermatologist or esthetician-who should you see for your skin concerns? Both are licensed to care for your skin and can offer solutions for optimal skin health. In an ideal world we would have youthful, glowing, problem-free skin all the time. But because that dream has yet to become a reality, we know that finding answers to improving skin quality will likely be found in someone with greater training and information than we can find on our own. 

Requirements for estheticians vary by state but usually between 300 and 1,000 hours of training at a cosmetology school are necessary in addition to passing a state exam with practical and written components for licensure. Continuing education and renewal certifications are often required as well. Dermatologists on the other hand are required to complete a 4-year undergraduate degree, a 4-year medical degree, a 1-year internship, and a 3-year dermatology residency. In addition, at the end of the residency program, many dermatologists elect board-certification. Dermatologists can evaluate and treat pretty much anything related to hair, nails and skin. While many will think of a dermatologist as only related to medical issues like skin cancer, moles, psoriasis, eczema and other chronic skin conditions, dermatologists can assess the skin for minor and major issues including cosmetic treatments. Estheticians offer more aesthetic type services that do not involve prescribing medication or offering surgical intervention. Some of these services include facials, hair removal, chemical peels, makeup application and exfoliation. It is advised if you are looking to improve your appearance with Botox or dermal fillers that you choose a provider with medical training to precisely gauge the facial nerves and the effects of needles or lasers on the skin.

Dermatologists and estheticians both seek to beautify the skin and help you achieve the best version of yourself. Your safest bet is to reach out to a dermatologist about any changes to the skin. From there a dermatologist can diagnose and prescribe treatment options. When it comes solely to skin rejuvenation including prevention and maintenance, you can book an appointment with an esthetician to enhance your skin on top of what is working based on your dermatologist’s recommendations. Bottom line-there is wisdom and benefit in both doctor options. Base your selection upon your skin’s unique needs. 

To schedule a consultation for a full skin screening at THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology, call our office at 602-867-7546 or fill out a request form online at WEBSITE

Posted: December 18, 2023 By:

Aging Gracefully-Dermatology Tips for Healthy and Youthful Skin

The demand for Botox and fillers continues to rise, especially among young people, as the desire to erase wrinkles, contour the jawline, boost the fullness of the lips, highlight certain features and shrink others becomes top priority. Everyone wants to grow older, but not everyone wants to look older. Is there a way to avoid the overdone look of aesthetic trends while still caring for and achieving your most desirable skin? The art of aging gracefully can be found in some tried and true dermatology tips for healthy and youthful skin. 

At THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology, we offer effective anti-aging strategies that are backed by scientific research and a high patient satisfaction rate. Evidence based treatments that rejuvenate the natural aging of the skin due to gradual loss of collagen and elastin, the cause of wrinkles, dull skin, and sagging, are designed to restore and help you maintain healthy and youthful skin. These treatments include topical retinoids, chemical peels, microneedling, laser therapy, ultherapy and hydrafacials. In addition to resurfacing treatments and prescription medications, embracing your age with confidence and vitality naturally means incorporating healthy lifestyle choices that allow you to age gracefully. These include the following:

  • Staying hydrated. Improve skin’s elasticity by drinking plenty of water throughout the day, with at least 6 glasses per day. Water can do wonders for your skin including helping to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Eating a balanced diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids. The best foods for glowing skin include fatty fish, avocados, walnuts, sunflower seeds, sweet potatoes, red/yellow bell peppers, broccoli, tomatoes and bone broth. 
  • Getting regular exercise. By improving blood circulation and maintaining a healthy weight, essential nutrients and oxygen are delivered to the skin. Exercise also reduces stress which can lead to premature aging of the skin. 
  • Managing stress, to the best of your ability. Relaxation and meditation techniques and changes to your routine as necessary can calm the mind and body thereby not accelerating skin issues. 
  • Aiming for quality sleep. Adequate, uninterrupted sleep allows the body the rest it needs to repair itself. Insomnia often results from magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is needed to make melatonin so that you can fall asleep. Taking magnesium glycinate before bed will help change your sleep habits for the better. 
  • Exfoliating weekly. Removing layers of dead skin cells can greatly improve the appearance and feel of your skin. 
  • Always wear sunscreen. Use of a broad-spectrum 30+ sunscreen will aid in aging of the skin as well as protect against skin damage and skin cancer.  

Customized plans for skin aging prevention, therapy and prescription only products are offered by THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology. Call 602-867-7546 or visit WEBSITE to learn more about our treatment options and to select a consultation appointment day and time. We want you to feel comfortable and confident in your skin.

Posted: December 11, 2023 By:

Skin Tales-What Your Skin’s Appearance Says About Your Health

When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Your face may be the first telltale sign that something abnormal may be developing. Changes on your face and other parts of the body may alert you to what your skin’s appearance says about your health. Sometimes certain foods or the addition of new products affect the skin and simply eliminating those things or adding complementary ingredients to your routine can restore skin’s appearance. Other times, changes to the skin may indicate an underlying medical condition. 

From discoloration to imperfections showing up on the skin, some painless while others causing discomfort or even severe pain, it is important to recognize warning signs when something does not look right with your skin. In addition, changes to the skin can range from a simple cause to a life-threatening illness. For example, hyperpigmentation can be the result of a long day at the beach or any other kind of prolonged sun exposure or it could be caused by Addison’s disease which is a failure of the adrenal glands. Dry, itchy skin could simply be rooted in the need to moisturize more often, or it could be attributed to allergies, or it could be linked to something more concerning like liver disease. If your skin and eyes develop a yellowish tint, you could possibly have jaundice, liver disease or hepatitis. Moles range from harmless skin tags to various forms of cancer. Dark circles, sagging under eyes, and puffiness around the eyes could be caused by lack of certain nutrients, dehydration, or lack of sleep. Alternatively, fatty eyelids could mean high cholesterol which can lead to heart disease. 

Because signs and symptoms can reveal themselves on the skin but can have a wide range of causes, it is important to schedule a comprehensive skin exam with a dermatologist as soon as you notice any changes to your skin. A skin assessment can offer early intervention and effective treatment. Dermatologists can also offer cosmetic and rejuvenating solutions as well so that your skin looks and feels as healthy as possible. 

Call THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology today at 602-867-7546 to book your appointment. For more detailed information on what to expect at your appointment, visit WEBSITE.

Posted: December 4, 2023 By:

The ABCs of Skin Cancer-Early Detection and Prevention

Skin cancer is the abnormal growth of skin cells most often developed by exposure to the sun. Too much ultraviolet radiation from the sun or artificial sun such as tanning beds can damage DNA in skin cells. Over 80% of skin cancer is caused by overexposure to UV radiation.  DNA communicates to cells and tells them how to function. If enough DNA damage accumulates over time, it can cause the cells to start growing out of control, potentially leading to skin cancer. 

Changes are made to the skin because of the sun including effects of aging and an increased risk of developing wrinkles, freckles, liver spots and skin cancer. Significant impacts on the body related to sun exposure include tumors, skin discoloration, dilated small blood vessels, damaged elastic in skin tissue, damage to the eyes such as cataracts, pterygium and macular degeneration, premature aging, and precancerous and cancerous lesions on the skin. There are 3 main types of skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma. Basal cell carcinoma appears as small, smooth pearly or waxy bumps on the face or neck that present as a flat, pink, red or brownish in color lesion. Squamous cell carcinoma appears as a red nodule or as a rough, scaly, flat lesion that often becomes crusty, itchy and can bleed. Melanoma appears as a pigmented patch with an irregular appearance. Melanoma is the most serious because if left untreated can spread to other organs and be life-threatening. If caught and treated early, before it advances and spreads to other parts of the body, melanoma can almost always be cured. 

Detection of skin cancer begins with a visual assessment of the skin. The ABCs of skin help with both early detection and prevention of growth. The ABCDE acronym stands for asymmetry, border, color, diameter and evolving for the characteristics of skin damage that dermatologists look for when diagnosing and classifying melanomas.  Asymmetry refers to one half of a mole that does not match the other. Border refers to the edges of the mole, specifically if they are irregular, ragged, notched or blurred as opposed to normal moles that are round or oval. Color refers to the uneven color of the mole. It may include shades of brown or black or patches of pink, red, white or blue. Diameter refers to whether a spot is larger than 6 millimeters across. Evolving refers to if the mole is changing in size, shape or color. 
If you notice any new spots on your skin, spots that appear different from any other, and any of the ABCs of skin cancer, make an appointment with THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology for early detection and prevention. Skin evaluations can be made by calling 602-867-7546 or visiting WEBSITE for more skin cancer and skin care information.

Posted: November 25, 2023 By:

Skin Mysteries Unveiled-Rare and Unusual Skin Conditions

Acne, eczema and dry skin are such common skin conditions that a simple online search will yield you countless options ranging from effective home remedies to surgical interventions. But there are not so common skin conditions that pose chronic issues, are not always easily treatable, and can impact overall health. Let’s review some skin mysteries unveiled, rare and unusual skin conditions that are identified and treated by dermatologists at THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology. 

Ten uncommon skin conditions along with their management options include Argyria, Peeling skin syndrome, Elastoderma, Morgellons Disease, Vitiligo, Harlequin ichthyosis, Hidradenitis suppurativa, Blau syndrome, Chromhidrosis and Necrobiosis lipoidica. Here are the details on these rare conditions:

  1. Argyria, also known as blue skin disease, causes the skin’s complexion to turn blue or grey due to excessive build-up or overexposure to silver salt build up at toxic levels in the body. It often affects people who work in manufacturing, silver refining, jewelry factories or photographic processing centers where high levels of silver can be found. Some people also develop argyria because of an allergic reaction to colloidal silver supplements. Symptoms can be irreversible and difficult to treat but some people find 5% hydroquinone treatment as well as laser therapy effective. 
  1. Peeling Skin Syndrome can be caused by genetic changes in the TGM5 gene and is usually present at birth but can appear later in childhood or early adulthood. The painless shedding of the outermost layers of skin cannot be stopped but can be managed and soothed with hydrating creams and ointments. 
  1. Elastoderma is increased skin laxity typically in the knees, elbows and neck. Surgical excision is usually the most effective treatment option. 
  1. Morgellons disease is the belief that parasites or fibers are emerging from the skin. Morgellons disease causes irritating and painful symptoms along with rashes, skin sores, absurd sensations, small black fibers, fatigue, anxiety, lesions and depression. 
  1. Vitiligo is a chronic, long-lasting autoimmune disorder that causes patches of skin to lose pigment or color. The condition is almost untreatable but cosmetic treatments can minimize the patchy appearance. 
  1. Harlequin ichthyosis is an autosomal recessive disorder resulting from mutated genes, causing hard, thick skin and diamond-shaped scales that crack and split apart. It affects mostly infants and is seen in eyelids, mouth, nose and ears bringing distorted facial features. In severe cases, it can restrict movements of the limbs and chest.
  1. Hidradenitis suppurativa is a painful, long-term skin condition that causes skin abscesses and scarring on the skin. The cause is unknown, but it develops near hair follicles and sweat glands in sensitive areas like the groin, buttocks, upper thighs, breasts and underarms. 
  1. Blau syndrome is a hereditary autoinflammatory disease that presents in early childhood characterized by rash, arthritis and uveitis. There is currently no cure and complications with pain or infection can impact quality of life. 
  1. Chromhidrosis is essentially yellow, brown, green, blue or black colored sweat. It is a rare condition brought on by the excessiveness of lipofuscin in sweat glands. Regular medication and Botox can halt the sweat glands so that colored sweat does not secrete. 
  1.  Necrobiosis lipoidica is linked to blood vessel inflammation with those with diabetes at greater risk for getting the disease. It can affect the lower legs with a painful or tender rash that can eventually damage proteins in the skin causing a loss of collagen. Topical steroids, niacinamide, steroid injections, tablets and prescription combinations have been successful at treating this rare skin condition. 

To learn more, visit WEBSITE. To book an appointment with a board-certified dermatologist with extensive knowledge of skin conditions both common and rare, call 602-867-7546.

Posted: November 18, 2023 By:

Exploring Different Types of Acne: Causes, Treatment Options, and Prevention

Anyone who has suffered with chronic acne knows the profound desire to have smooth, clear skin. Although acne is a common, treatable skin condition, there are many different types of acne along with causes, treatment options, and prevention methods. Acne is a skin condition that occurs when hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells. It is characterized by the presence of pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads on the skin’s surface, most notably on the face but can present on other areas of the body. 

Types of acne include comedonal acne, inflammatory acne, nodular acne, and cystic acne. Comedonal acne can be blackheads or whiteheads caused by clogged hair follicles. Inflammatory acne is red, swollen pimples caused by inflammation or a bacterial infection. Nodular acne is large, painful bumps beneath the surface of the skin. Cystic acne is the most severe type of acne of deep, painful cysts brought on by an infection of the hair follicle. Causes of acne include excess oil production, clogged hair follicles, bacteria, inflammation, hormonal changes or fluctuations, certain medication, cosmetics, genetics, and diet. 

Consulting with a dermatologist at CLIENT NAME is essential for addressing persistent acne and preventing future breakouts. Top acne prevention strategies include maintaining a consistent skincare routine, avoiding over-washing and over-exfoliating, using acne-fighting ingredients found in topical treatments such as salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and retinoids, oral prescription medications, keeping hands away from the face, and changing pillowcases regularly. In-office services such as chemical peels, microneedling, or corticosteroids may be recommended for severe acne. Lifestyle changes to effectively manage acne include a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, and lean protein while eliminating dairy and sugar, exercise, stress management, sleep, and hydration. 
Understanding the causes and types of acne is important for determining the most effective treatment plan and prevention. To help identify potential triggers that are causing acne, visit THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology to develop a strategy for a clear, radiant complexion. Call 602-867-7546 or go to WEBSITE for the next available consultation.

Posted: November 11, 2023 By:

Skin Cancer Awareness-Early Detection and Prevention Tips

Stopping skin cancer means spotting it in time. Skin cancer is the cancer you can see. Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer but is also the most treatable if detected early. The three main types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. Dermatologists recommend following the ABCDE guideline for skin cancer awareness, early detection, and prevention tips. With a visual assessment of the skin, the ABCDE rule is a helpful acronym that can identify potential skin cancer. The letters stand for asymmetrical, border, color, diameter, and evolving. A new or changing spot on the skin may be a sign of skin cancer. By checking for any of the ABCDE characteristics, you are taking the first step to skin cancer awareness.

Taking proactive steps to preventing skin cancer include staying out of the sun or stay in the shade as much as possible during peak hours of 10am to 4pm, covering the skin with UV protective clothing, wearing sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat, avoiding indoor tanning machines, and applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher and reapply every two hours. Knowing your risk factors is another key prevention tip. Although anyone can get skin cancer, the risk is elevated for those who are fair skinned with freckles, have natural blonde or red hair, and blue or green eyes. A person may have an increased risk for melanoma, one of the most dangerous types of skin cancer, if they have unusual moles, specifically moles that change in color, grown unevenly, or change in texture, more than 50 moles on the body, a family history of melanoma or unusual moles, fair skin the sunburns easily, and a history of blistering sunburns. If you meet any of the criteria for increased risk factors, THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology advises you to get a full-body, annual skin assessment. One in five Americans will develop some form of skin cancer. Before it affects your health, schedule your exam by calling 602-867-7546 or book online at WEBSITE.

Most skin cancer is curable if detected and treated in the early stage. Safeguard your health by evaluating your body with a personal skin exam once a month and meeting with your dermatologist once a year or more often should you notice changes to your skin. 

Posted: November 4, 2023 By:

The Impact of Diet on Skin Health: Foods That Nourish and Foods to Avoid

While genetics influence our physical attributes, flawless skin can be achieved regardless of your predisposition to skin health based on your DNA. Genetic contribution rates highly to your susceptibility to acne as well as skin sensitivity. But don’t worry. There are solutions and relatively simple changes that you can make to improve your skin. The impact of diet on skin health boils down to foods that nourish and foods to avoid. 

You have heard the expression “you are what you eat.” Eating skin-orientated, as well as general health focused, foods will deliver the right combination of nutrients and vitamins that your skin needs to look and feel your best. Power foods that deliver tangible results can easily be incorporated into your daily meal planning. Sensible nutrition that heals and hydrates the skin should include foods that are eaten in their natural state and recipes that can be made from scratch versus high-processed foods. Just a handful of blueberries, at around 44 calories, is a powerhouse snack of antioxidants that help fade away blemishes, sunspots and hyperpigmentation as well as reduces the risk of cancer, aids in age-related memory loss and lowers blood pressure. Phytochemicals in the humble apple, both in the flesh and the skin of the apple, offer antioxidant and anti-cancer benefits. Apples speed up skin cell production as well as protect against tissue damage. Starting your day off with these super fruits on the side with some eggs for protein or atop overnight oats, will provide you with collagen, vitamin C and vitamin E to freshen the skin before you even get going. Providing 300% of daily vitamin A and carotenoids that provide complexion clearing antioxidants as well as skin inflammation reducing action, eating just ⅔ cup of carrots daily will likely be your number one beauty secret. Tomatoes are another super food that the skin loves. Tomatoes provide vitamin C that aids in collagen assembly as well as immunity support. Avocados you have likely heard are the best “good” fat. Eating 2 to 3 avocados per week is enough to deliver visibly healthier and glowing skin. Olive oil is a simple way to add vitamin E to your diet that helps absorb nutrients provided by other foods. Combine carrots, tomato, avocado and olive oil with some greens for a side salad at lunch and you have half of your beauty regimen by way of your diet covered by lunch time. Adding plenty of protein from yogurt and lean meat such as chicken will have your skin looking younger in no time. 

A diet high in sugar, high-glycemic carbohydrates and high-processed and fried foods can lead to inflammation, breakouts and premature aging of the skin. Wrinkling of the skin is a natural part of the aging process but maintaining a healthy diet can slow the aging process. 

Protein peptides and fatty acids can strengthen the skin, boosting metabolism and antioxidant activity. On the other hand, too much sugar enables advanced glycation end products which are oxidant stressors that damage the skin’s collagen. High-fat and high-sugar diets can trigger acne and increase oil production. 

Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory foods will boost skin health in combination with hydration, hygiene and a customized skincare routine. For a tailored treatment for your skincare needs, schedule your appointment at THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology by 602-867-7546 or WEBSITE.

Posted: October 25, 2023 By: