Kybella is a non-surgical procedure capable of eliminating a double chin and dramatically improving one’s appearance. Kybella is an injectable solution that is placed beneath the chin to permanently destroy the fat cells that cause a double chin. The active ingredient in Kybella, synthetic deoxycholic acid, is a naturally
Laser resurfacing uses powerful lasers to remove several layers of the epidermis, encouraging your skin to produce new, firmer and smoother skin and enhancing the production of firming collagen in your skin. Laser skin resurfacing is a proven way to help reduce wrinkles, age spots, acne scars and other
Are you suffering from hair loss? Thinning hair? Baldness? At THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology in Phoenix, we offer a simple treatment to help stop hair loss and stimulate hair growth. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is suitable for both men and women. It is a natural, non-surgical procedure that uses
Acne is one of the most common skin conditions. It frequently affects teenagers but can also continue into or develop in adult life. Although common, many people do not know what acne is or what causes it.  Acne occurs when the small pores on the surface of the skin
Acne is a common skin condition – about 85% of us will have it at some point in our lives. With the abundance of over-the-counter acne treatment products available today, it’s easy to forget that acne is not just a cosmetic issue. It’s an actual medical condition that very
Psoriasis is a chronic auto-immune disease that causes a dry, reddish and scaly rash. Originating from the Greek word psora, meaning being itchy, psoriasis is a common skin condition that affects millions of people in the United States. Normally, skin cells reproduce every 21-28 days. With psoriasis, skin cells reproduce
Microdermabrasion is one of the easiest, safest and most effective anti-aging treatments you can get. The treatment exfoliates dead skin cells and leaves fresh new skin in its place. As microdermabrasion is gaining in popularity and accessibility, it is important to understand the side effects that can happen with
Most mothers-to-be know the basic dos and don’ts of pregnancy: Get plenty of rest, no smoking and no drinking – but what about aesthetic procedures like Botox?  Botox, also called botulinum toxin type A, is made from the bacteria that causes botulism. When botulinum toxin is injected beneath the
The Verju laser system, also known as body contouring laser treatment, is a simple, non-invasive procedure used to painlessly reduce inches and remove stubborn cellulite. Verju is among the best laser body contouring treatments available. The Verju method is safe and effective; it requires no needles, no incisions and
Moles are growths or lesions found on the skin and come in various shapes and sizes. Moles can appear anywhere on the skin: the facial area, as well as arms and chest areas, and can be in groups or by themselves. They can be present at birth or can