Birthmarks – Part Two

BirthmarksPigmented Birthmarks (usually brown) are caused by clusters of pigment cells. Pigmented birthmarks are tan or brown-colored skin marks.

Some of the most common types of pigmented birthmarks are:

  • Café-au-lait Spots: Café-au-lait spots are coffee-colored skin patches. Many children have one or two, but if more than six have developed by the time the child is five, they should be checked by a doctor.
  • Mongolian Spots: Mongolian spots are blue-grey or bruised-looking birthmarks that are present from birth. They’re more commonly seen in darker-skinned people and usually occur over the lower back or buttocks. However, they can also appear elsewhere on the body or limbs. Mongolian spots may last for months or years, but they usually disappear by the time a child reaches four years of age. They’re completely harmless and don’t need treatment. They may sometimes be mistaken for a bruise.
  • Congenital Melanocytic Naevi: Congenital melanocytic naevi are also known as congenital moles. They’re relatively large brown or black moles that are present from birth. They’re fairly common and are caused by an overgrowth of pigment cells in the skin. Most congenital melanocytic naevi become proportionally smaller and less obvious with time, although they may darken during puberty or become bumpy or hairy. The risk of a naevi developing into skin cancer is low, but the risk increases the larger it is.

Most birthmarks are harmless and don’t require any treatment. In some cases, a birthmark will need to be treated for medical reasons – for example, if a haemangioma blocks the airways, affects vision or becomes ulcerated. Some people may also decide to seek treatment for cosmetic reasons. To learn more about birthmarks or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Holy to have a birthmark evaluated, contact The Center for Advanced Dermatology at 602-867-7546 or

Posted: August 6, 2017 By:


Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition that causes the rapid build-up of skin cells. This build-up of cells causes scaling on the skin’s surface with inflammation and redness around the scales.

Scales typically develop on joints, such as elbows and knees. They may develop anywhere on the body, including the hands, feet, neck, scalp, and face. Less common types of psoriasis affect the nails, the mouth, and the area around genitals.

There are 5 types of psoriasis and most common symptoms include:

  • Plaque psoriasis: This is the most common type of psoriasis — about 80 percent of people with the condition have plaque psoriasis. It causes red, inflamed patches that cover areas of the skin. These patches are often covered with whitish-silver scales or plaques. These plaques are commonly found on the elbows, knees, and scalp.
  • Guttate psoriasis: Guttate psoriasis is common in children. This type of psoriasis causes small pink spots. The most common sites for guttate psoriasis include the torso, arms, and legs. These spots are rarely thick or raised like plaque psoriasis.
  • Pustular psoriasis: Pustular psoriasis is more common in adults. It causes white, pus-filled blisters and broad areas of red, inflamed skin. Pustular psoriasis is typically localized to smaller areas of the body, such as the hands or feet, but it can be widespread.
  • Inverse psoriasis: Inverse psoriasis causes bright areas of red, shiny, inflamed skin. Patches of inverse psoriasis develop under armpits or breasts, in the groin, or around skinfolds in the genitals.
  • Erythrodermic psoriasis: This type of psoriasis often covers large sections of the body at once and is very rare. The skin almost appears sunburned. Scales that develop often slough off in large sections or sheets. It’s not uncommon for a person with this type of psoriasis to run a fever or become very ill.

Psoriasis symptoms differ from person to person. Most people with psoriasis go through “cycles” of symptoms. The condition may cause severe symptoms for a few days or weeks, and then the symptoms may clear up and be almost unnoticeable. Then, in a few weeks or if made worse by a common psoriasis trigger, the condition may flare up again. Sometimes, symptoms of psoriasis disappear completely. When you have no active signs of the condition, you may be in “remission.” That doesn’t mean that the psoriasis won’t come back, but for now you are symptom free.

If you have psoriasis symptoms, contact The Center for Advanced Dermatlogy at 602-867-7546 or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Holy.

Posted: July 31, 2017 By:

Birthmarks – Part One

BirthmarksBirthmarks are colored marks on the skin that are present at birth or develop soon after. There are two main types of birthmarks, vascular and pigmented.

Vascular Birthmarks (often red, purple or pink) are caused by abnormal blood vessels in or under the skin. Vascular birthmarks often occur in the head and neck area, mainly on the face.

Common types of vascular birthmarks are:

  • Salmon Patch (stork mark): Salmon patches are flat red or pink patches that can appear on a baby’s eyelids, neck or forehead at birth. They’re the most common type of vascular birthmark and occur in around half of all babies. Most salmon patches will fade completely within a few months, but if they occur on the forehead they may take up to four years to disappear. Patches on the back of the neck can last longer.
  • Infantile Haemangioma: Infantile haemangiomas, also known as strawberry marks, are raised marks on the skin that are usually red. They can appear anywhere on the body. Sometimes infantile haemangiomas occur deeper in the skin, in which case the skin can look blue or purple. Haemangiomas are common, particularly in girls, and affect around 5% of babies soon after birth. They rapidly increase in size for the first six months before eventually shrinking and disappearing by around seven years of age. Haemangiomas that get bigger rapidly, or those that interfere with vision or feeding, may need to be treated.
  • Capillary Malformation: Capillary malformation, also known as port wine stains, are flat red or purple marks that affect a very small number of newborn babies. They can vary in size, from a few millimeters to several centimeters in diameter. Port wine stains often affect one side of the body and usually occur on the face, chest and back (although they can occur anywhere). They tend to be sensitive to hormones and may become more noticeable around puberty, pregnancy and menopause. Most are permanent and may deepen in color over time.

Birthmarks Part Two to be continued…

Posted: July 23, 2017 By:

Types of Dermal Fillers – Part Two

Dermal FillersHyaluronic acid fillers are widely used due to their high levels of safety and reliability. Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance which can be found in every living organism. As a result, it is biocompatible and side-effects are very rare. Products which use hyaluronic acid include Perlane, Restylane, Belotero, Teosyal and Juvéderm. Hyaluronic acid fillers come in varying levels of thickness and so they are a flexible option to improve different sections of the face.

Calcium hydroxylapatite fillers are designed to stimulate collagen fibers as well as volumize depleted areas. Radiesse is a well-known form of calcium hydroxylapatite filler. This is a temporary but longer-lasting type of dermal filler which works wonders for facial sculpting. It is used mainly in deep nose to mouth lines, though it also works for reshaping of the nose. It is not applied to the lips.

Collagen fillers help restore the support structure of the face, enhancing the contours of the upper layer of skin. Collagen is the most abundant natural protein found in the body and provides structural support to skin, muscle, tendons and bone. Collagen injections replenish the skin’s natural collagen. The natural beauty of your skin is enhanced as the contour of the support structure is restored.

Dermal fillers can improve your appearance by smoothing, shaping, contouring and adding volume to your face. Dermal fillers are not a permanent treatment for wrinkles. To maintain results, repeat treatments are necessary.

As you can see, there are many types of dermal fillers that can be used for many different areas of the face. A qualified dermatologist can help you choose the best type of dermal filler for your specific concerns. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Holy, contact The Center for Advanced Dermatology at 602-867-7546 or

Posted: July 16, 2017 By:

Types of Dermal Fillers – Part One

Dermal FillersSagging skin, wrinkles and fine lines create the most obvious signs of facial aging. Typically, lines first appear where the skin has a natural tendency to fold or crease as a result of a person’s most dominant facial expressions. With advancing age, the natural lines of the face eventually become deeper and more pronounced causing nearby skin to develop fine lines and wrinkles.

While anti-aging creams, serums and lotions can, in some cases, be very effective at slowing down or preventing the appearance of wrinkles, they tend to be relatively ineffective once a wrinkle has already formed, especially if that wrinkle is deep and well established.

Fortunately, dermal fillers provide an effective treatment option to combat the signs of aging. Dermal fillers are injectable treatments used to fill lines and smooth wrinkles. They can be used in various locations on the face including under the eyes, the lips, cheeks and other fine lines around the face. Dermal fillers may not be as effective on skin that has significant amounts of sagging or extremely loose skin. In such cases, a surgical procedure such as a facelift may be needed to correct wrinkles and sagging.

There are several different types of dermal fillers. Dermal fillers differ in chemical make-up and longevity, they also have varying degrees of softness. Softer fillers are used in the lips, for example, while sturdier fillers might be desired to enhance cheekbones.

The type of dermal filler chosen will ultimately depend on the results you wish to achieve. In Phoenix, Dr. Holy will determine the best type and volume of filler needed for your particular areas of concern. Some popular types of dermal fillers include:

Poly-L-lactic acid fillers are biocompatible and biodegradable, and help replace lost collagen in the treatment area. Such products include Sculptra and are long-lasting compared to other temporary dermal fillers.

Types of Dermal Fillers Part Two to be continued.

Posted: July 9, 2017 By:

Dermal Fillers Under Eyes

The skin around the eyes can be one of the first areas to show the signs of aging. If you feel your eyes are showing the effects of aging with lack of volume and sagging or wrinkled skin, there are solutions which can easily counteract this. Dermal fillers under the eyes are a quick and minimally invasive way to reverse the signs of aging in this area. With our dermal fillers, we are able to re-introduce lost volume, rejuvenating the look and feel of the areas around your eyes.

The skin under the eyes is especially thin, so the dermal filler injections must be handled with care and precision to achieve the best possible results. When performed properly, these fillers can eliminate fine lines, creases and bags under the eyes almost instantly. Results from dermal filler under the eye appear immediately and will generally last anywhere from 6 months to a year, depending on the filler used. The treatment can be repeated regularly to maintain attractive results.

It is very important that patients have realistic expectations of what dermal fillers can achieve. The truth is that every patient is different. No two people will have the exact same results from an eye dermal filler procedure. The type of filler, the amount of filler and the location of the injections will be determined based on each person’s unique anatomy and the conditions being addressed. Side effects from dermal fillers are similar to that of BOTOX. Some common injection-related reactions such as swelling, bruising, pain, itching, discoloration and tenderness at the injection site may occur.

If you are interested in dermal fillers to improve wrinkled or sagging skin around the eyes, schedule a consultation with Dr. Holy in Phoenix. Based on your goals and needs, Dr. Name can recommend the best type of dermal filler for your skin. Contact The Center for Advanced Dermatology today at 602-867-7546 or

Posted: July 2, 2017 By:

Dermal Cancer – Part Two

Dermal CancerOne thing that all types of dermal cancers have in common is that early detection is key. Cancer screenings are vital, as is reporting any unusual or new moles to your dermatologist. The earlier your dermal cancer is detected, the more likely you and your doctor can develop an effective treatment plan.

People of all races and skin types can get dermal cancer. If you notice any of the following signs or symptoms, consult Dr. Holy as soon as possible.

  • Any skin lesion that grows larger and/or turns pearly, translucent, brown, black or multi-colored
  • An open sore or wound that does not heal, persists for more than four weeks or heals and later reopens
  • Any skin spot growth that continues to itch, hurt, crust over, form a scab, erode or bleed for several weeks

You are not helpless when it comes to preventing dermal cancer. There are things that you can do to prevent it or recognize it as early as possible. Things you can do to reduce your risk of getting dermal cancer:

Seek Shade: Shade is not only the best place to go in the heat of the midday sun, but one of the safest places to be for your skin.

Wear protective gear: If you know you’re going to be spending time in the sun, there are some things you can take along to protect your skin and eyes.

Use sunscreen: A little bit of cream, spray or gel can save your skin.

Self-Exam: The best way to catch cancer before it catches you is to discover it early. Take advantage of the fact that your skin is the most visible organ of the body and check it regularly.

When detected early, dermal cancer is highly treatable. Dr. Holy in Phoenix recommends a thorough skin examination every year or as any changes in skin appearance occur. To schedule a skin exam, contact The Center for Advanced Dermatology at 602-867-7546 or Remember, healthy skin is beautiful skin.

Posted: June 26, 2017 By:

Dermal Cancer – Part One

Portrait of a natural brunette with a professional model on a white background. This photo has been produced in studio with these professionals : make-up artist, hair dresser and stylist. A professional retoucher gave it the final magic touch.  [url=file_search.php?action=file&lightboxID=5157013][img][/img][/url]

Our skin is the largest of our human organs. Not only does our skin give us our appearance and shape, it also serves crucial functions such as regulating our body temperature and acting as a shield to protect us from environmental irritants, bacteria, heat and cold. Unfortunately, our skin is susceptible to cancer. In fact, dermal (skin) cancer is the most common of all cancers and affects millions of Americans each year.

There are three main types of dermal cancer. These cancers begin in a different type of cell within the skin and each cancer is named for the type of cell in which it begins.

Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC): Basal cell carcinoma is the most common form of dermal cancer. It usually develops on sun exposed areas as a small, round, raised, red spot. If detected early the chances of a cure are good. While these tumors very rarely metastasize (cancer spreading to other parts of the body), early diagnosis and treatment is important to prevent extensive damage to surrounding tissue.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC): Squamous cell carcinoma is the second most common dermal cancer. It also mainly develops on sun exposed areas. It is a slowly growing cancer with a tendency to spread to other parts of the body. If SCC is detected early the cure rates are good.

Malignant Melanoma (MM): Malignant melanoma is the most dangerous and life-threatening dermal cancer. It has a great potential to spread to other parts of the body. Certain moles have the tendency to change their appearance and turn into MM. Because of the severity of MM, it is important for survival to detect MM as early as possible. With early detection and proper treatment, however, the cure rate for melanoma is about 95%.

Dermal Cancer Part Two to be continued…

Posted: June 19, 2017 By:

Botox Uses

Botox UsesBotox is a prescription medication approved for several different uses. Although the drug is well known for its ability to improve the appearance of facial lines and wrinkles, it is also approved for treating other conditions.

Botox injections work by weakening or paralyzing certain muscles or by blocking certain nerves. The effects last about 3 – 12 months, depending on what you are treating. The most common side effects of Botox are pain, swelling or bruising at the injection site.

When most people think of Botox the first thing that usually comes to mind is wrinkle reduction. In addition to being the gold standard for wrinkle reduction, Botox can also be used to treat a variety of issues, both cosmetic and non-cosmetic. Below is a list of conditions that Botox has been approved for:

Eyelid Spasms: The first use of Botox that was approved by the FDA back in 1989 was for the treatment of certain types of eye muscle problems or abnormal spasm of the eyelids (blepharospasm).

Excessive Sweating: Botox is a temporary treatment option for sufferers of hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating. Botox is injected into the sweat glands just under the skin to temporarily block the chemical signals from the nerves that stimulate the sweat glands. Botox prevents unnecessary sweating for an average period of six to seven months.

Migraines: In 2013, Botox received FDA approval for the treatment of migraine headaches. The treatment involves the injection of Botox into seven different locations including the temples, neck, shoulders and forehead.

Chronic Neck and Cervical Muscle Pain: Botox injections can significantly improve pain levels and overall quality of life for sufferers of chronic pain. When Botox is injected into target muscles, it blocks signals that cause unnecessary muscle tightening; the cause of chronic pain.

Overactive Bladder: Botox is often used to treat several incontinence and overactive bladder symptoms when other types of medications do not work or cannot be taken. Specific symptoms may include a strong need to urinate with leaking or wetting accidents, a strong need to urinate right away and frequent need to urinate.

Muscle Stiffness: Botox is used to treat increased muscle stiffness in the elbow, wrist and finger muscles in people with upper limb spasticity.

To learn more about the many uses of Botox, contact The Center for Advanced Dermatology at 602-867-7546 or

Posted: June 12, 2017 By:

Micro Needling for Scars

MicroneedlingMicro needling is a popular skin rejuvenation and anti-aging treatment. Micro needling is a minimally invasive procedure that involves puncturing the skin with tiny, sterile micro needles to promote the production of collagen and elastin in the skin.

The concept of micro needling is based upon the skin’s ability to naturally repair itself when injured. Immediately following an injury, our skin begins the process of dissolving damaged tissue and replacing it with new cells. Micro needling is designed to stimulate your skin’s natural ability to produce new collagen formation, which can create smoother, tighter, and overall healthier skin, with a younger looking appearance. This procedure may also diminish skin imperfections. Among other skin improvement benefits, micro needling is highly effective for treating many types of scars including surgical scars, chicken pox scars, burn scars, wound scars, even difficult acne scars.

In Phoenix, Dr. Holy uses a derma roller on the skin. The derma roller needles produce a very shallow puncture which later causes the body’s defenses to fill the tiny wound with collagen and elastin.

One of the benefits of this procedure is that it can be used on many parts of the body:

  • Scalp
  • Face (including highly sensitive areas)
  • Neck
  • Chest
  • Arms
  • Love Handles (Flanks)
  • Hands
  • Legs
  • Abdomen
  • Back

Other benefits to choosing micro needling include:

  • Affordable
  • Effective – improvements are typically visible within days of treatment
  • Minimal downtime
  • Minimal discomfort
  • No bruising, infection, discoloration or other complications
  • No permanent damage or injury
  • Safe for most skin types

Since micro needling can be used on all parts of the body, it is an excellent option for scar treatment. Most people need a series of 3 treatments to see optimal results, although some scars, especially deeper acne and traumatic scars, may need 6-8 sessions to achieve desired goals.

If you’d like more information about micro needling for scars, contact The Center for Advanced Dermatology at 602-867-7546 or

Posted: June 5, 2017 By: