How Does Secret RF Work?

Secret RF is a unique microneedling technology that is ideal for facial rejuvenation, improving scars and plumping and tightening loose skin by applying precisely controlled radio frequency energy directly into various depths of skin with minimally invasive microneedles.

Secret RF works by combining radio frequency and percutaneous needling to induce collagen production and tightens elastin fibers. During treatment in Phoenix, the Secret RF tool is moved over the treatment area while the micro-needles penetrate the skin and deliver the radio frequency directly into the target areas. The depth of delivery can be adjusted depending on the condition of the skin and the indication for the procedure. Unlike other devices which only deposit energy on the surface of the skin, Secret RF delivers energy below the surface where it’s needed most to help revitalize and regenerate the tissue. This unique delivery of energy allows us to achieve optimal results with little to no downtime on all skin types.

To achieve optimal results, 3-4 treatments are typically needed. The typical interval between sessions is 3 to 4 weeks. 

On the face, Secret RF is beneficial for:

  • non-surgical face lifting
  • wrinkle reduction
  • skin tightening
  • skin rejuvenation
  • pore reduction
  • acne scars
  • other scars

On the body, Secret RF is beneficial for:

  • scars
  • hyperhidrosis (excess sweating)
  • stretch marks

Secret RF is a very safe procedure with few side effects and little down time. Unlike lasers and IPL, Secret RF can be performed on all skin types, on the face and the body. Because of its safety profile, the incidence of side effects is very uncommon but can include:

  • Prolonged redness lasting 1-2 days
  • Minor swelling lasting up to 3 days
  • Minor bruising
  • Skin color changes (most common in patients with darker skin)
  • Patterning of treated skin (temporary and reversible)
  • Infection

To learn more about Secret RF or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Holy, contact THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology at 602-867-7546 or website.

Posted: February 25, 2020 By:

What Should You Do If Your Moles Change?

A mole (nevus) is a pigmented (colored) spot on the outer layer of the skin (epidermis). Moles can be round, oval, flat or raised. They can occur singly or in clusters on any part of the body. Most moles are brown, but colors can range from pinkish flesh tones to yellow, dark blue or black. Most people have at least a few moles. Usually, other than during puberty and pregnancy, a mole’s color and shape do not change. 

A changing mole can be a cause for concern and should always be brought to your doctor’s attention. While it’s normal to develop new growths as we get older, a recent change in a mole’s appearance, such as darkening in color, rapid growth or new symptoms like itching or bleeding could indicate that it’s turning into a skin cancer. Your doctor may recommend a skin biopsy to remove the growth and send it to the lab to find out what it is. This is a fairly simple procedure that can be done in the office under local anesthesia (similar to the numbing you get at the dentist). 

Although it may sound scary, when skin cancer is caught early, it is nearly 100% curable. It is important to check your moles regularly for changes in their appearance. 

Dr. Holy in Phoenix recommends using the ABC’s of moles to determine if they need further examination: 

A – Asymmetry

B – Border irregularity

C – Color variations: blue, brown or black, sometimes white or red spots

D – Diameter: greater than six millimeters (the size of a pencil eraser)

E – Elevation: raised above the surface of the skin

If you notice any of the changes listed above or any other sudden mole changes, contact Dr. Holy promptly for an evaluation. Call 602-867-7546 or visit website to schedule your appointment today at THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology.

Posted: February 18, 2020 By:

What Are the Treatment Options for Acne Scars?

Acne is the most common skin condition in teens and is a problem for 5-10% of adults. Thankfully, we have several treatment options for patients in Phoenix who are dealing with acne and acne scarring.

Controlling Acne

The first step to treating acne scars is to get the acne under control. Depending on the severity, various oral and topical prescriptions may be recommended. Once the active acne is controlled, resulting scars can be treated.

Types of Acne Scars

There are four distinct types of acne scars: 

  • Ice Pick Scars – deep, narrow depressions
  • Boxcar Scars – rectangular or oval shaped depressions
  • Rolling Scars – a waved fibrous pattern with soft edges
  • Hypertrophic Scars – raised scars

Acne Scar Treatments

Treatment options for acne scars include lasers, dermal fillers, chemical peels and dermabrasion. Many times a combination of treatments is required to deliver the best results.

  • Laser Resurfacing – Laser treatments ablate the top layer of the skin, making scars shallow and less defined. They also stimulate collagen below the acne scars. Laser treatments are generally not recommended for darker skin types due to possible hyperpigmentation.
  • Dermabrasion – This acne treatment “sands down” acne scars. The abrasive action improves your skin’s contour as a new layer of skin replaces the treated skin, resulting in a smoother, refreshed appearance.
  • Chemical Peels – A chemical peel is a treatment in which a chemical solution is applied to skin to remove the damaged outer layers. These acids chemically exfoliate the top layers of skin. As the treated skin comes off, a fresh new skin layer with improved tone, texture and color replaces it. This exfoliation caused by the acne-skin peel eliminates or reduces the appearance of acne blemishes and scars. 

At THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology, our goal is to help you feel good about your skin again. Contact us today at 602-867-7546 or website to schedule an appointment with Dr. Holy. During an examination in Phoenix , Dr. Holy can determine the best option for treating your acne scars.

Posted: February 11, 2020 By:

Facts About Skin

Did you know that your skin is your largest organ and plays a vital role in your health? Important jobs of the skin include detecting heat and cold, regulating body temperature and protecting muscles, bones and internal organs from outside infection and disease. But that’s not all – there is so much more to your skin than you might think! Here are some of the most interesting facts about your skin: 

  • Skin accounts for about 15% of your body weight.
  • The average adult has approximately 21 square feet of skin which weighs about 9 lbs. and contains more than 11 miles of blood vessels.
  • The average person has about 300 million skin cells. A single square inch of skin has 19 million cells and up to 300 sweat glands.
  • Your skin is its thickest on your feet (1.4mm) and thinnest on your eyelids (0.2mm).
  • The skin renews itself every 28 days.
  • Your skin constantly sheds dead cells, 30,000 to 40,000 cells every minute! That’s nearly 9 lbs. per year!
  • Dead skin comprises about a billion tons of dust in the earth’s atmosphere.
  • Your skin is home to more than 1,000 species of bacteria.
  • Skin that is severely damaged may try to heal itself by forming scar tissue which is different from normal skin tissue because it lacks hair and sweat glands.
  • Skin can form additional thickness and toughness — a callus — if exposed to repeated friction or pressure.
  • Some of the nerves in your skin are connected to muscles instead of the brain, sending signals (through the spinal cord) to react more quickly to heat, pain, etc.
  • Your skin has at least five types of receptors that respond to pain and touch.
  • Changes in your skin can sometimes signal changes in your overall health.

These fun skin facts reveal just some of the important aspects of your skin and its health. To learn more facts about your skin or to schedule an appointment with dermatologist Dr. Holy in Phoenix, contact THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology at 602-867-7546 or website.

Posted: February 4, 2020 By:

What is Intense Pulsed Light Therapy?

Intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy is a non-invasive and non-ablative treatment that uses high intensity pulses of visible light to improve the appearance of skin problems such as:

  • Vascular lesions including spider veins, port wine stains, broken facial veins, rosy cheeks, rosacea and red thread veins of the legs
  • Hair removal
  • Sun spots and sun damage
  • Freckles and age marks
  • Facial lines and wrinkles
  • IPL may also be helpful for mild to moderate acne and stretch marks

IPL therapy works by delivering precise pulses of light to specific areas of the skin. The light energy is converted to heat energy, which causes damage to the specific target area. Intense pulsed light therapy is different from lasers in that it delivers many wavelengths in each pulse of light instead of just one. 

Intense pulsed light therapy is considered a non-ablative resurfacing technique, which means that it targets the lower layers of skin (dermis) without affecting the top layers of skin (epidermis). The results are not as dramatic as ablative resurfacing where both the dermis and epidermis are injured to produce a much more noticeable overall outcome. 

A considerable benefit to intense pulsed light therapy is that it combines dramatic improvement with virtually no down time. Treatment sessions usually last about 20 minutes and patients can return to their regular activities immediately following it. To achieve desired results, repeat sessions every 3-6 weeks may be needed.

IPL treatments are relatively painless compared to other facial rejuvenation techniques. The sensation has been likened to a light pinch or the snap of a rubber band.

Side effects of intense pulsed light therapy are minor and include:

  • Mild pain during treatment 
  • Skin turning pink and a little sore immediately after the procedure
  • Sensation of a mild sunburn (redness, peeling, swelling) that may last a few days after treatment
  • Rarely, skin pigment may absorb too much light energy and blistering can occur
  • Sometimes the pigment cells (melanocytes) can be damaged leaving darker or paler patches of skin
  • Hair loss may occur
  • Bruising affects up to 10% of patients

Intense pulsed light therapy offers a gentle, long-lasting solution for visible signs of skin damage that affect the way you look. To learn more or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Holy in Phoenix, contact THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology at 602-867-7546 or website.

Posted: January 25, 2020 By:

Can You Prevent Skin from Aging?

Is it possible to prevent skin from aging? It is important to take steps to help prevent premature skin aging, but this is often overlooked. If practiced properly, skin care techniques can reduce the amount of anti-aging treatments or products needed.

In Phoenix, Dr. Holy recommends a proactive approach to prevent skin from aging. Let’s take a closer look at some skin care tips that will help maintain your skin in a healthy and young-looking state.

Sun Exposure:

Dealing properly with sun exposure helps prevent many skin aging problems ranging from wrinkles to skin cancer.

  • For maximum skin aging prevention, avoid sun exposure on the skin during the hours that the sun is most intense.
  • Wear a hat, protective clothing and sun ray blocking glasses to guard against exposure, especially during peak hours.
  • Use appropriate sunscreen offering UVA and UVB protection (broad spectrum protection). Sun Protection Factor (SPF) should be greater than 15 and applied at least 20 minutes before the skin is exposed to the sun; sunscreen should be reapplied after swimming or heavy sweating.
  • Use antioxidant topical products (usually include ingredients such as vitamins A, C, E, selenium, coenzyme Q10, and alpha-lipoic acid) to protect the skin from sun damage and premature aging; antioxidants neutralize free radicals which will cause damage to skin cells.
  • Avoid using tanning beds.
  • Avoid sunburns.

Diet and Health:

  • Adequate fluid intake (6 to 8 glasses of water per day) is essential for hydrating skin, flushing out toxins from the body and for aging prevention.
  • A diet with plenty of whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, use of healthy oils such as olive oil or flax seed oil and reduction of saturated fats helps protect the skin.
  • Exercising regularly helps promote capillary functioning, brings oxygen to the skin which is important for healthy skin and flushes out body toxins.
  • Avoid stress.
  • Avoid large weight fluctuations.
  • Get adequate sleep.
  • Quitting smoking is effective in skin aging prevention.
  • Not smoking prevents the formation of skin wrinkles, yellowing of the skin, certain types of skin cancer and the breakdown of collagen in the skin.

Dry Skin and Itching:

  • Clean the skin, exfoliate the skin surface gently to remove dead skin cells and moisturize the skin regularly especially in cold and dry climates to prevent dry skin.
  • Avoid the use of fabric preservatives, harsh detergents, bleaches and harsh soaps in order to prevent allergic type itching.

The skin you have now is the only skin you’ll ever get. Keeping it at its best starts with how you treat it every day. With proper skin care to pamper skin from the outside and with a good diet to nourish from within, healthy skin is achievable with simple steps. Should you ever notice any problems, get medical attention to resolve them quickly and avoid putting your skin at risk. If you have concerns about aging skin or would like more information about aging skin prevention, contact THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology at 602-867-7546 or website.

Posted: January 18, 2020 By:

What is Microneedling?

Microneedling is a popular, minimally invasive treatment that stimulates the natural production of collagen and is shown to be effective at improving various issues of the skin. The treatment can be used safely on all skin types and requires little to no recovery time.

Microneedling can help improve the following:

  • Lift and tighten your skin
  • Balance skin tone
  • Reduce the appearance of acne or other scars
  • Minimize fine lines and wrinkles
  • Reduce pore size
  • Improve the appearance of stretch marks

How Does Microneedling Work?

A microneedling tool is used to create microscopic pricks on the problematic area of the skin. The tiny needles on the tool make invisible perforations in the epidermis and the top layer of the dermis. These tiny pricks cause your body to recognize an “injury” which causes it to start to heal itself. Collagen and elastin are rushed to the area, where they then rejuvenate the skin. This repair process begins almost immediately and results in a thicker dermis and softened wrinkles or scars. 

There is no tissue destruction with microneedling. The small channels in the epidermis close very quickly and the skin begins a healing response right away. 

What Will Microneedling Feel Like?

The needle penetration occurs very quickly which means it will feel more like a sandpaper sensation than needles. Microneedling for scars requires longer needles which invade nerve space and thus, produce more sensation.

After the Treatment

Following microneedling in Phoenix, you’ll likely look as if you have a sunburn. This may last for just a few hours to up to a week depending on treatment depth. For the best results, you’ll need more than one treatment to continually build collagen and elastin.

If you’re interested in microneedling or other skin treatments, contact THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology at 602-867-7546 or website to schedule an appointment with Dr. Holy.

Posted: January 11, 2020 By:

What is the Difference Between a Chemical Peel and Microdermabrasion?

You may have wondered what the difference is between a chemical peel and microdermabrasion. Both treatments are a form of exfoliation of the skin. Exfoliation is the act of removing dead skin cells from the epidermis, the outermost layer of the skin. The easiest way to maintain healthy skin is by keeping it free and clear of dead skin cells. The difference between microdermabrasion and chemical peels is that they are two different types of exfoliation: microdermabrasion is a physical exfoliation and chemical peels are a chemical exfoliation.

While microdermabrasion works well on superficial skin imperfections (some acne scars, fine lines, wrinkles, enlarged pores and sun spots), a chemical peel is more effective on serious skin problems like deeper scars and wrinkles. 

Microdermabrasion is a manual exfoliation of the epidermis to remove dead skin cells, debris and impurities. Normally, an instrument which combines suction and a wand made of diamond or small crystal particles is used to remove these from the skin. Microdermabrasion produces instant results but may not be a good choice for inflamed, sensitive or rosacea type skin. Microdermabrasion encourages collagen stimulation and a more rapid cell turnover in the skin. After microdermabrasion, skin will appear softer, smoother, brighter, clearer, fresher and younger looking. Although it is primarily used on the face, it can be used on other parts of the body —  from the neck to chest, to hands, etc. To maintain the healthy glow associated with microdermabrasion, it is recommended once a month for optimum results. Appointments made too soon together could irritate and redden the skin. 

Chemical peels use topical applications of peeling solutions to rejuvenate the skin, address fine lines and wrinkles, pigmentation, tone and texture. Chemical peels involve controlled removal of varying layers of the skin with the use of a chemical agent. Chemical peels are often categorized according to the depth of the peel:

  • Light Chemical Peel: This kind of peel removes just the outer layer of the skin (epidermis) in a light exfoliation.
  • Medium Chemical Peel: This type of peel removes skin cells from both the outer layer of skin (epidermis) and upper part of the middle layer of skin (dermis).
  • Deep Chemical Peel: The chemical used for this type of peel penetrates down to the lower dermal layer. A deep chemical peel usually involves a pretreatment for up to 8 weeks to prepare the skin for the peel and to speed the healing process. 

To determine which exfoliating treatment is best for your skin, we recommend scheduling a consultation with Dr. Holy in Phoenix. To schedule an appointment, contact THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology at 602-867-7546 or website.

Posted: January 4, 2020 By:

What is Excel V?

Most people are affected by some sort of skin condition. Even if mild, any problem with your skin can have an impact on your quality of life. The Excel V laser is a new, state-of-the-art laser treatment used to improve various skin conditions. If you are suffering from rosacea, port wine stains, varicose veins or uneven skin tone, the Excel V laser may be able to help.

The Excel V laser utilizes a unique high-power green laser that is absorbed by the abnormal blood vessels in the skin, resulting in improved skin appearance. The Excel V laser is highly customizable, allowing Dr. Holy to precisely treat individual conditions with a high level of accuracy. Results will always vary depending on the individual patient, but the Excel V typically has a high satisfaction rate.

The Excel V laser has multiple settings; these different modes are used to treat a wide variety of conditions, including:

  • Rosacea
  • Broken Blood Vessels
  • Varicose Veins
  • Facial Veins (red and blue)
  • Venous lake (purple lesions on lips)
  • Redness 
  • Birthmarks
  • Scars and keloids
  • Port Wine Stain
  • Hemangiomas
  • Cherry Angioma
  • Freckles
  • Sun Damage
  • Age spots
  • Warts

The number of treatment sessions required will depend on the specific condition being treated as well as on the patient’s individual skin. Some patients will see results after just one session, while others may require more.

Excel V generally has minimal side effects. The most common side effect a patient might experience is redness or swelling in the treated areas. In rare cases, bruising may occur. These side effects should not be serious and often resolve themselves within just a few days.

The Excel V laser has proven to be safe and effective when administered by an experienced dermatologist such as Dr. Holy . Because of its efficiency and versatility, it has become a popular treatment at THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology in Phoenix.  If you have a skin condition that may be treated with the Excel V laser, contact us today at 602-867-7546 or website to schedule a consultation with Dr. Holy.

Posted: December 25, 2019 By:

Why Should You See a Dermatologist?

Dermatologists treat skin problems that range from mild irritations to quite serious diseases. In some cases, common conditions that affect the skin can be hazardous to your health or even life-threatening if left untreated. You should consider seeing a dermatologist if you suffer from any of the following conditions, among others:

Acne: Acne is caused by oil trapped in ducts beneath your skin. On your face alone, 15,000-20,000 oil glands work to keep the skin elastic and soft. When the oil cannot rise to lubricate the surface of your skin, it builds up in the ducts, bacteria grow, and inflammation occurs. Acne is most common among teenagers, but it can start or continue into adulthood. 

Psoriasis: This genetic condition is characterized by red, scaly patches on the skin. The scalp, elbows and knees are commonly affected, although it can surface anywhere. Arthritis is associated with this rash in 40% of psoriasis patients. Topical creams and ointments are successful in controlling small areas of psoriasis. More severe cases can be treated with ultraviolet light or systemic medications.

Contact Dermatitis: Many substances in the environment react with our skin. Some are found in plants such as poison ivy. Chemicals found in clothing, jewelry, creams and perfumes may cause direct irritation or stimulate an allergic response. The affected skin becomes tender or itchy and, in extreme cases, blisters may appear. If the offending chemical is unknown, allergy testing may be able to identify the cause.

Eczema: This is a chronic condition in which the skin becomes itchy, reddened, cracked and dry. It affects both males and females, as well as people from different ethnic backgrounds. This condition can affect children, teens and adults. Dr. Holy offers many treatment options for relieving eczema.

Warts: These are skin growths caused by a virus. The virus causes the top layer of skin to grow rapidly, forming a wart. Warts can grow anywhere on the body and are most common in children and young adults. 

Sun Damage: Overexposure to the sun can cause a variety of skin conditions, not just sunburns, wrinkles or skin cancer. You may also experience uneven pigmentation, lentigines (also referred to as age spots or liver spots), labial lentigo (a dark brown lesion that develops on lips) and solar elastosis (a breakdown of collagen and connective tissue which causes the skin to sag). Dr. Holy can effectively diagnose and treat existing sun damage and help you prevent future damage.

Atypical Moles: These most commonly appear on the back but may appear anywhere on the body, including below the waist, on the scalp or other areas. They may fade into surrounding skin and include a flat portion that is level with the skin surface. They may be smooth, slightly scaly or have a rough, irregular appearance. Atypical moles are usually not present at birth but develop some time later. Several types of atypical moles are known to develop before melanoma. Atypical moles are the most common precursor, but not all atypical moles develop into melanoma. It is important to have Dr. Holy examine any mole that you feel is suspicious or is changing.

At THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology in Phoenix, we offer treatment options for a wide variety of dermatology skin problems that may affect you. Contact us today at 602-867-7546 or website to schedule an exam.

Posted: December 18, 2019 By: