What’s the Difference Between Botox and Fillers?

The appearance of fine lines and wrinkles is a common source of frustration for both men and women. Many people search for something that can reverse these tell-tale signs of aging. If you are looking for a safe and effective treatment to combat these aesthetic issues, consider injectable products such as Botox or fillers. 

Injectables is a blanket term used for a procedure that transfers a product directly into the skin and muscle tissue via a syringe to aid in reducing the signs of aging. Botox and fillers both use this method and achieve favorable results, but they each are performed in different ways.

Botox – Botox is a neurotoxin that paralyzes the muscle where it is injected. With regular use, deeply etched lines in the face, often created by repeated expressions, will smooth out. Botox is for patients who are experiencing wrinkles in places where they hold a lot of tension; think frown lines, furrowed brows, etc. By freezing the muscles in these areas, you prevent deeper lines from forming. 

Fillers – Fillers do just that — they fill in the wrinkles. There are a variety of dermal fillers available; different fillers are used for different locations on your face. Ultimately, they plump up the tissue and fill in the wrinkles. If you want to add volume to your face, fillers are a great choice. Common target areas are under the eyes, thinned cheeks, and lips.

Fillers differ from Botox because they are injected into the contours of your face, not to paralyze, but to add volume or plump specific areas. Both Botox and fillers provide a temporary result, from 3-4 months for Botox and 6 months to 2 years depending on the type of fillers. 

Every face has unique needs, and we have a variety of products available to address them. During a consultation in Phoeniax, Dr. Holy will listen to your areas of concern and can create a Botox or filler treatment plan specific to your needs. Sometimes one product is sufficient to treat multiple areas like crow’s feet and brow wrinkles. Other times we may recommend a combination of products to address a persistent frown, wrinkling of chin, and fine lines around the nose and cheek. Contact THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology today at 602-867-7546 or website to find out the best wrinkle treatment for you.

Posted: December 11, 2019 By:

What Side Effects Can I Expect from a Chemical Peel?

A chemical peel is a skin resurfacing technique that uses a chemical solution to improve and smooth the texture of the skin by removing its damaged outer layers. It involves the application of toxic chemical solutions to the skin in a controlled manner, producing controlled tissue death and resulting in a superficial wound. As the tissue damage is repaired by the natural healing process, the skin’s appearance is improved.

Chemical peels can cause various side effects, including:

  • Redness. Expect some redness of the skin after a chemical peel. With deeper peels or with certain skin types, redness can be severe. It may fade within a few weeks, or it may last several months. The strength of the solution used for the chemical peel will determine how much redness will occur, and how long the redness will last. 
  • Changes in skin color. A chemical peel can cause treated skin to become darker than normal (hyperpigmentation) or lighter than normal (hypopigmentation). 
  • Crusting. Crusts or scabs may develop on areas treated with any type of chemical peel as the skin reacts to the “trauma” of having a mild acid solution applied to it. Phenol peels can be expected to result in some crusting as the old layer of skin exfoliates and the underlying layer of skin emerges. 
  • Sensitivity to Light. A chemical peel can increase a patient’s sensitivity to sunlight and avoidance of sun exposure is usually advisable for several months after the treatment. Wearing sunscreen is highly recommended following a chemical peel. 
  • Scarring. Rarely, a chemical peel can cause scarring – typically on the lower part of the face. Antibiotics and steroid medications can be used to soften the appearance of these scars.
  • Infection. A chemical peel can cause a flare-up of the herpes virus – the virus that causes cold sores. Rarely, a chemical peel can lead to a bacterial or fungal infection.
  • Heart, kidney or liver damage. A deep chemical peel uses carbolic acid (phenol), which can damage the heart muscle and cause the heart to beat irregularly. Phenol can also harm the kidneys and liver. 
  • Flaking and Peeling. Flaking and peeling are normal chemical peel side effects that are temporary and relatively minor. A patient must not pick at the flakes and peeling skin because pulling off peeling skin before it is ready can result in infection and scarring. 

Patients should understand the potential chemical peel side effects prior to treatment to help them make an informed decision about undergoing the procedure. The best way to determine if you are a candidate for a chemical peel is through a consultation with Dr. Holy at THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology in Phoenix. For more information about chemical peel side effects or to schedule an appointment, contact us at 602-867-7546 or website.

Posted: December 4, 2019 By:

What is Secret RF Microneedling?

Secret Microneedling Fractional RF is a unique technology that is ideal for facial rejuvenation, improving scars and plumping and tightening loose skin by applying precisely controlled radio frequency energy directly into various depths of skin with minimally invasive microneedles.

On the face, Secret RF is beneficial for:

  • non-surgical face lifting
  • wrinkle reduction
  • skin tightening
  • skin rejuvenation
  • pore reduction
  • acne scars
  • other scars

On the body, Secret RF is beneficial for:

  • scars
  • hyperhidrosis (excess sweating)
  • stretch marks

Secret RF works by combining radio frequency and percutaneous needling to induce collagen production and tightens elastin fibers. During treatment in Phoenix, the Secret RF tool is moved over the treatment area while the micro-needles penetrate the skin and deliver the radio frequency directly into the target areas. The depth of delivery can be adjusted depending on the condition of the skin and the indication for the procedure. Unlike other devices which only deposit energy at the surface of the skin, Secret RF delivers energy below the surface where it’s needed most to help revitalize and regenerate the tissue. This unique delivery of energy allows us to achieve optimal results with little to no downtime on all skin types.

To achieve optimal results, 3-4 treatments are typically needed. The typical interval between sessions is 3 to 4 weeks. 

Secret RF is a very safe procedure with few side effects and little down time. Unlike lasers and IPL, Secret RF can be performed on all skin types, on the face and the body. Because of its safety profile, the incidence of side effects is very uncommon but can include:

  • Prolonged redness lasting 1-2 days
  • Minor swelling lasting up to 3 days
  • Minor bruising
  • Skin color changes (most common in patients with darker skin)
  • Patterning of treated skin (temporary and reversible)
  • Infection

To learn more about Secret RF microneedling, schedule a consultation with Dr. Holy by contacting THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology at 602-867-7546 or website.

Posted: November 25, 2019 By:

What Causes Our Skin to Age?

Many things cause our skin to age – some things we cannot do anything about and others we can influence.

One thing that we cannot change is the natural aging process. With time, we all get visible lines on our face. It is natural for our face to lose some of its youthful fullness. We notice our skin becoming thinner and drier. Our genes largely control when these changes occur. This type of aging is called intrinsic aging.

There is another type of aging that affects our skin called extrinsic aging. Our environment and lifestyle choices can cause our skin to age prematurely. By taking some preventive actions, we can slow the effects that this type of aging has on our skin. 

Ways to Reduce Premature Skin Aging 

To help our patients prevent premature skin aging, Dr. Holy in Phoenix offers the following tips:

1. Protect your skin from the sun every day. The sun plays a major role in prematurely aging our skin. Whether spending a day at the beach or just running errands, sun protection is essential. You can protect your skin by seeking shade, covering up with clothing, and using sunscreen that is broad-spectrum, SPF 30 (or higher) and water-resistant. You should apply sunscreen every day to all skin that is not covered by clothing. 

2. If you smoke, stop. Smoking greatly speeds up how quickly skin ages. It causes wrinkles and a dull complexion. 

3. Avoid repetitive facial expressions. When you make a facial expression, you contract the underlying muscles. If you repeatedly contract the same muscles for many years, these lines become permanent. Wearing sunglasses can help reduce lines caused by squinting. 

4.Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet. Eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables may help prevent damage that leads to premature skin aging. 

5. Drink less alcohol. Alcohol is rough on the skin. It dehydrates the skin, and in time, damages it. This can make us look older. 

6. Exercise. Moderate exercise can improve circulation and boost the immune system. This, in turn, may give the skin a more-youthful appearance. 

7. Cleanse your skin gently. Scrubbing your skin clean can irritate it. Irritating your skin accelerates skin aging. Gentle washing helps to remove pollution, makeup and other substances without irritating your skin.

8. Wash your face daily and after sweating heavily. Perspiration, especially when wearing a hat or helmet, can irritate the skin, so wash your skin as soon as possible after sweating.

9. Apply a facial moisturizer every day. Moisturizers keep water in our skin, giving it a more youthful appearance. 

It’s Never Too Late  Aging of the skin can be slowed down with lifestyle changes that promote good health and diligent skin care habits. Even people who already have signs of premature skin aging can benefit from making lifestyle changes. If aging skin concerns you, contact THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology in Phoenix at 602-867-7546 or website. New treatments and less-invasive procedures for smoothing wrinkles, tightening skin and improving one’s complexion are giving many people younger-looking skin.

Posted: November 18, 2019 By:

What Are the Side Effects of Secret RF?

Secret RF is an anti-aging microneedling treatment that safely and effectively gives your skin a more youthful and radiant appearance. Secret RF is one of the most effective treatments to tighten skin and improve fine lines and wrinkles, especially around the eyes, mouth and cheeks. Secret RF is also affective at reducing pore size, acne scars and stretch marks.

The secret to Secret RF is ultrafine needles that emit high energy radio-frequency waves to target deep layers of the skin. The procedure stimulates the regeneration of collagen and elastin production, providing lasting results. Secret RF is quick and painless, lasting only 30 minutes with little to no recovery time. As your skin heals from these wounds, your body’s collagen production increases, resulting in tighter skin and the reduction of lines and wrinkles.

You may experience the following side effects from Secret RF:

Although the Secret RF procedure is extremely safe, some mild side effects are to be expected. Some patients experience a slightly uncomfortable although tolerable experience. You may notice redness and swelling around the treated area, though both side effects should only be mild.  

The following tips may help as you heal from the treatment:

  • To help with swelling, you can sleep with your head elevated
  • Keep the area covered at all times with a product such as Aquaphor or Vaseline so it does not dry out.
  • Do not pick at any scabs or peeling skin, this could cause scarring.
  • Avoid any direct sun exposure for one week. After that, it is important to use a good sunscreen when outdoors.  
  • Avoid any makeup for the first 24 hours.
  • Avoid alcohol for several days after treatment.

If you’re interested in Secret RF treatment in Phoenix, contact THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology at 602-867-7546 or website to schedule an appointment. 

Posted: November 11, 2019 By:

How to Remove Cellulite

The Verju laser system, also known as body contouring laser treatment, is a simple, non-invasive procedure to painlessly reduce inches and remove stubborn body fat and cellulite. Verju is among the best laser body contouring treatments available.

The Verju method is safe and effective; it requires no needles, no incisions and no recovery time. Verju targets your stubborn fat areas and painlessly emulsifies the fat cells under your skin. Verju safely causes the release of fatty lipids from within fat cells, causing the fat cells to collapse and shrink to a smaller size, which reduces the circumference and the appearance of cellulite. The fatty lipids then enter the lymphatic system where they are broken into free fatty acids and used as energy in the cardiovascular system. As the Verju low-level lasers gently penetrate the skin and release fatty lipids, they build dermal collagen for smooth and beautiful results. 

This cellulite and fat reduction treatment can be used on multiple areas of the body. While it is most commonly used to treat the thighs, buttocks, flanks and lower abdomen, it can also be used on the arms and the sides of the abdomen.

Common reasons for undergoing the Verju laser treatment are to:

  • Reduce stubborn, unwanted fat in the tummy, thighs or other areas
  • Remove or reduce cellulite
  • Improve overall body shape
  • Balance the look of the legs, hips or other areas
  • Supplement other weight loss plans

Verju is a relaxing, painless process. Because Verju is completely noninvasive, it will not cause any discomfort whatsoever either during or after treatment. After your Verju laser appointment, you can immediately return to your regular activities without any discomfort. Follow-up sessions may be recommended, depending on the size and complexity of the treatment areas.

If you are interested in Verju laser treatment in Phoenix, contact THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology to schedule a consultation with Dr. Holy. Contact us today by calling 602-867-7546 or visiting website

Posted: November 4, 2019 By:

How Can You Treat Spider Veins?

Varicose veins, often referred to as spider veins, are a common condition that affect many adults. These abnormally enlarged vessels, which affect women more often than men, appear most often on the legs and become more prevalent with age.

Spider veins can be caused by:

  • Pregnancy
  • Birth Control Pills
  • Hormone Replacement Therapy
  • Occupations that require prolonged standing, such as teaching or hairdressing
  • Abnormal Larger Deeper Blood Vessels
  • Weight Gain
  • Family History

There are several treatments available for spider veins. These include:

Sclerotherapy — This treatment is the most commonly used and involves injecting a solution into the vein with a tiny needle. The solution alters the vein wall which closes down. The body then absorbs the vein and it disappears. Blood flow is shifted from the abnormal vessel to other healthy veins.

Laser Therapy — Although laser treatment can be helpful, it is a more painful option and therefore not a first choice to combat spider veins.

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) Therapy — This treatment works very well for dilated blood vessels, redness, flushing and blushing on the face, neck, chest, arms and the back of the hands. It can be helpful for very tiny blood vessels that sometimes occur after sclerotherapy but is less effective than sclerotherapy for removing spider vein on the legs.

Most treatments require multiple sessions spaced out over several weeks. Results may not be noticeable right away. You will typically see improvement several weeks after initial treatment. While the treated veins will not re-appear, new veins may develop and require further treatment. 

To learn more about treating spider veins or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Holy, contact THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology at 602-867-7546 or website today.

Posted: October 25, 2019 By:

Can a Dermatologist Help with Acne?

Acne is a very common skin condition – about 85% of us will have it at some point in our lives.  And, with the abundance of over-the-counter acne treatment products available today, it’s easy to forget that acne is not just a cosmetic issue.  It’s an actual medical condition that very often should be treated by a dermatologist. 

Acne vulgaris is a long-term skin disease that occurs when hair follicles become clogged with dead skin cells and oil from the skin. Acne is characterized by areas of blackheads, whiteheads, pimples and greasy skin, and may result in scarring. The resulting appearance can lead to anxiety, reduced self-esteem and, in extreme cases, depression.

You should consider seeing a dermatologist to help with your acne if:

You’ve Never Been Diagnosed with Acne Before – If you suddenly begin to break out in red bumps on the face, upper chest, back or elsewhere, and you have never before been diagnosed with acne, you should contact your dermatologist.

Your Acne Is Getting Worse Despite Using Over-the-Counter Acne Products – Mild cases of acne can often be successfully cleared with over-the-counter acne products.  But many cases just don’t respond well to OTC treatments. In this case, it’s best to see an acne doctor about prescription acne treatments.

If you’ve been treating your acne consistently and your breakouts aren’t getting better, or if your acne seems to be worsening, you should contact your doctor. Your dermatologist can prescribe an acne medication that will give you better results and will have helpful advice regarding proper acne skin care and home treatment.

You Have Moderate to Severe Inflammatory Acne, Nodules or Cystic Breakouts – If your acne is moderate to severe, or very inflamed, skip the over-the-counter products altogether.  They just aren’t strong enough to improve acne at this level and you’ll waste time and money on products that won’t work for you.

Nodules and cysts are very severe forms of breakouts and should always be evaluated by a dermatologist. These deep blemishes can easily cause scarring, so they should be treated promptly.

You Think Your Acne May Be Caused by a Medication – Certain medications, such as steroids and birth control pills, may cause acne. If you are taking any medications and your skin begins breaking out, let your doctor know.

You Are Upset or Depressed About Your Skin – Let’s face it – acne can affect more than just your skin, it can affect your life! At THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology in Phoenix, Dr. Holy has treatment options available that can not only improve your skin, but also help you deal with the feelings of frustration and despair that can come along with acne.Don’t wait! There’s no reason to just accept acne breakouts. With the right treatment, you can see your skin start to improve in just a few short weeks. Contact us at 602-867-7546 or website today to schedule an appointment today.

Posted: October 18, 2019 By:

What is the Difference Between Botox and Juvederm?

Wrinkles and fine lines are an inevitable part of the aging process. They can make us look tired and not as youthful as we once were. For fast results, Botox and Juvederm are popular treatments to combat the signs of aging on the face, helping you look younger and more attractive. 

So, what’s the difference between Botox and Juvederm?

Relaxer Vs. Filler: Botox cosmetic is a purified protein that works by relaxing the muscles that cause wrinkles, fine lines and folds. It’s great for reversing the aged look brought on by wrinkles and is also used as a preventive measure by younger patients avoiding the emergence of wrinkles.

Juvederm facial fillers are sterile gels made from naturally occurring hyaluronic acid – a natural sugar found in skin. It works by filling in the grooves and lines thereby eliminating wrinkles and smoothing out your skin.

Wrinkle Types: A major difference between Botox and Juvederm are the types of wrinkles they work on. Both treatments are fantastic for smoothing out the wrinkles on your face but do not work on the same type of wrinkles. 

Juvederm is perfect for wrinkles that are present when your face is at rest, whereas Botox is perfect for wrinkles that appear with movement. So if you have wrinkles that are there when your face is at ease, those will need Juvederm. The wrinkles that appear when you smile, laugh, cry or show any other emotion, you’ll need Botox for those. Some treatments work best in combination of both injectable treatments, especially where you want both volume and precise definition.

Time and Results: Both treatments work fast and the results are noticeable within a couple of days. Both treatments are also capable of providing natural-looking results. The injectables are safely absorbed by the body over time, so the results are not permanent. You can expect Botox results to last anywhere between 3 months to a year. Depending on the concentration of hyaluronic acid, Juvederm results may last a year or longer.

Pain and Discomfort: Both Botox and Juvederm are applied using very small needles, so there is minimal pain or discomfort. 

Safety and Side Effects: Both products are considered extremely safe and FDA-approved. 

Botox and Juvederm are popular aesthetic treatments and available at THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology. Contact us today at 602-867-7546 or website to schedule a consultation with Dr. Holy.

Posted: October 11, 2019 By:

What is Xeomin Used For?

Botox is the name that probably comes to mind when you think of treating facial wrinkles, but you might be surprised to learn that there are several botulinum toxin alternatives available, one of which is Xeomin.

Xeomin is an injectable filler used to treat frown lines. It incorporates the same active ingredient as Botox, botulinum toxin type A, except Xeomin is a slightly purer form of the toxin which is believed to be beneficial to long-term patients in particular.

Xeomin has a variety of aesthetic and medical applications. It can be used to improve the look of:

  • Crow’s feet
  • Forehead lines
  • Laugh lines
  • Frown lines

Beyond aesthetic applications, Xeomin has also been approved by the FDA to treat a variety of medical conditions, including:

  • Cervical dystonia (neck spasms)
  • Blepharospasm (eyelid twitch)
  • Limb spasticity
  • Sialorrhea (excessive drooling)

During treatment in Phoenix, Dr. Holy will use a very thin needle to inject Xeomin into the desired area. You may feel a slight pinch, but the procedure typically isn’t considered to be painful. A topical anesthetic may be applied prior to treatment to alleviate discomfort.

As with most botulinum toxin treatments, there’s little to no downtime after receiving a Xeomin injection, with most people returning to their regular activities immediately afterward.

You may experience some slight bruising, swelling and redness near the injection site. These side effects tend to resolve within a couple of days. You may consider avoiding strenuous exercise for a few days following your Xeomin treatment because the increased blood pressure from physical activity can potentially exacerbate bruising.

Results are not immediately visible following the procedure. Optimal results from Xeomin should be seen within approximately seven days after treatment, and the full effects roughly one month later.If you are interested in Xeomin treatment at THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology, contact us at 602-867-7546 or website to schedule a consultation.

Posted: October 4, 2019 By: