Are Skin Peels Good for Acne?

Acne occurs when hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells, causing inflammation. Acne typically appears on the face, neck, chest, back and shoulders. This common condition can be unsightly and uncomfortable and can negatively affect a person’s self-esteem. 

Acne scars can be just as varied as acne itself – from more pronounced pits in the skin, to elevated scar tissue known as keloid scars. Sufferers of more severe acne are more likely to experience scarring, but mild acne is known to produce scars as well.

When topical medications do not provide satisfactory results for treating the appearance of acne, a clearer, healthy-looking complexion may be achieved with a chemical peel for acne or acne scars. 

An acne chemical peel is performed by applying a chemical solution to the skin. The solution causes the skin to blister and peel over a period of several days. As the treated skin comes off, fresh new skin replaces it. This exfoliation caused by the acne skin peel eliminates or reduces the appearance of acne blemishes and scars. Acne chemical peel treatments provide benefits in addition to acne treatment by improving the skin’s pigmentation and make the skin smoother.

Most patients experience a sun burnt look with obvious peeling of the skin in the days after their first peel. This redness and peeling tends to be less pronounced with each consecutive peel. The number of treatments needed is dependent on the individual patient’s skin and the severity of their acne. 

The best candidates for acne chemical peel treatments are people with superficial acne or acne scars. Individuals with severe or very active acne may not be good candidates for acne chemical peels. 

It is important to speak with your dermatologist to determine whether or not a chemical peel is right for you. There are instances when a chemical peel is not recommended such as during pregnancy or if you have cut or broken skin. It is also not advised to have a chemical peel if you have psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis or rosacea. 

Contact THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology at 602-867-7546 or website for more information or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Holy. 

Posted: December 25, 2020 By:

What to Expect During a PRP Facial

Platelet rich plasma is a natural product created from your own body. These platelets are rich in growth factors that aid the healing process throughout the body. Platelet rich plasma has a history of medicinal use in orthopedics and dentistry, and now its benefits are being applied to other fields of medicine such as dermatology. 

Platelets are the cells in the blood that help tissue to heal and grow new cells. Platelet rich plasma is created from your own blood, making it a safe and natural solution for improving your appearance. Platelet rich plasma is made by a small amount of blood being drawn and placed in a sterile tube that is spun in a centrifuge to separate the different components of the blood. Red and white blood cells are divided from the platelets and the plasma (the clear fluid). This plasma now contains a high concentration of platelets and is called platelet rich plasma. 

When injected into the skin, platelet rich plasma can help to heal damaged tissue and encourage the growth of new healthy cells. Platelet rich plasma also stimulates the production of collagen. Collagen is essential in keeping skin firm and young looking. Increased collagen can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on your face.

Platelet rich plasma is a simple, effective, and safe way to improve your skin and your appearance. The procedure is quick, relatively painless and requires no post procedure care or time off from daily events. Because the platelet rich plasma is made from your own cells, there is no risk of allergy or rejection and you’ll get natural looking results. 

Here’s what to expect from a typical PRP injection process:

  • A healthcare professional will draw a sample of your blood. The amount of the sample depends on where the PRP will be injected.
  • The blood is then placed into a centrifuge. This is a machine that spins around very quickly, causing the blood components to separate. This means the red blood cells and plasma are separated so that the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) can be extracted. The separation process takes about 15 minutes.
  • A technologist takes the separated plasma and prepares it for injection into the affected area.
  • A numbing cream will be applied to the treatment area prior to the PRP injection. 
  • Doctors will often use imaging, such as ultrasound, to pinpoint specific areas for injection, such as the tendon. Your doctor will then inject the PRP into the affected area with a micropen. This tool allows the PRP to be placed deep into the skin. 
  • Aftercare instructions are to be provided after the procedure is complete.

Results begin to show 3-4 weeks after the treatment session and continue to improve with time. Three treatment sessions are generally recommended, spaced 1-2 months apart, to achieve the best outcome.

Platelet rich plasma therapy can be combined with other treatments to best target a patient’s unique issues and achieve younger looking skin. In Phoenix, Dr. Holy will personally evaluate your skin issues and describe the treatments that would be most helpful for you. To learn more about the benefits of platelet rich plasma, contact THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology today by calling 602-867-7546 or visiting website

Posted: December 18, 2020 By:

What is Verju?

The Verju laser system, also known as body contouring laser treatment, is a simple, non-invasive procedure to painlessly reduce inches and remove stubborn body fat. Verju is among the best laser body contouring treatments available.

The Verju method is safe and effective; it requires no needles, no incisions, and no recovery time. Verju targets your stubborn fat areas and painlessly emulsifies the fat cells under your skin. Verju safely causes the release of fatty lipids from within fat cells, causing the fat cells to collapse and shrink to a smaller size, which reduces the circumference and the appearance of cellulite. The fatty lipids then enter the lymphatic system where they are broken into free fatty acids and used as energy in the cardiovascular system. As the Verju low-level lasers gently penetrate the skin and release fatty lipids, they build dermal collagen for smooth and beautiful results. 

This cellulite and fat reduction treatment can be used on multiple areas of the body. While it is most commonly used to treat the thighs, buttocks, flanks and lower abdomen, it can also be used on the arms and the sides of the abdomen.

Common reasons for undergoing the Verju laser treatment are to:

  • Reduce stubborn, unwanted fat in the tummy, thighs or other areas
  • Remove or reduce cellulite
  • Improve overall body shape
  • Balance the look of the legs, hips or other areas
  • Supplement other weight loss plans

Verju is a relaxing, painless process. Because Verju is completely noninvasive, it will not cause any discomfort whatsoever either during or after treatment. After your Verju laser appointment, you can immediately return to your regular activities without any discomfort. Follow-up sessions may be recommended, depending on the size and complexity of the treatment areas.

If you are interested in Verju laser treatment in Phoenix, contact THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology to schedule a consultation with Dr. Holy. Contact us today by calling 602-867-7546 or visiting website.

Posted: December 11, 2020 By:

Can SilkPeel Help Acne?

Acne is one of the most common, damaging and challenging skin conditions for men and women of all ages. Even people who were fortunate enough to have clear skin throughout their teenage years can suddenly develop acne later in life.

Acne results from the obstruction and inflammation of the sebaceous glands, and it affects 80% of the human population. Acne typically begins in adolescence with hormonal changes. However, there are many older individuals who suffer from adult acne.

While for most of us, the odd zit here or there might not seem like such a big deal, for those who suffer or have suffered with moderate to severe acne, the damage is much more than just skin deep. The effects of deep cystic acne can affect your confidence, self-esteem and self-image to a degree far beyond what most people might even imagine. Even after the acne has subsided, many people remain scarred both physically and emotionally.

SilkPeel is a safe and painless skin care procedure that treats and improves the appearance of various skin conditions, including acne. The procedure provides non-invasive exfoliation and delivery of skin-specific topical solutions under pressure, leaving patients with fresher-feeling and better-looking skin. Compared to other skin care procedures that use chemicals, lasers or other invasive treatment, SilkPeel does not use crystals or other abrasive particles that can irritate or bring discomfort to the skin. The procedure is more comfortable with a mild treatment that leaves the skin smooth to the touch.

SilkPeel is suitable for all skin types, including individuals that have sensitive skin. The treatment gently exfoliates dead skin and gets rid of impurities on the skin. In addition to improving acne scars, the range of services offered by SilkPeel includes treating excessively oily skin, wrinkles, uneven skin tone, dull and dehydrated skin. 

Although SilkPeel is a gentle and safe treatment, your skin will look slightly reddish during and after the procedure but should disappear within a few hours. Your skin will also slightly peel off as a result of exfoliation of impurities and dead skin, and it will feel smooth to the touch after. 

To schedule a SilkPeel treatment with Dr. Holy in Phoenix, contact THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology at 602-867-7546 or website

Posted: December 4, 2020 By:

What are the Symptoms of Nail Fungus?

Nail fungus is a chronic and potentially contagious condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Nail fungus occurs in about 10% of the adult population. There are several different types of nail fungus and as such, the symptoms, progression and treatment can vary slightly depending upon the precise ailment that’s infecting the nail bed. One of the most common nail fungus infections is called Onychomycosis. It is the most common disease of the nails and constitutes about half of all nail abnormalities. This condition may affect toenails or fingernails, but toenail infections are particularly common. 

Nail fungus often begins as a small spot of white, yellow or green that appears under the nail, typically near the edge. This is often paired with an array of other symptoms that worsen as the infection spreads deeper below the nail. Ultimately, the fungus can affect the entire nail, including the nail bed – the area where the new nail grows from. This will cause all new nail growth to be infected as well.

Symptoms of nail fungus include:

  • A white, yellow or green patch of discoloration under the nail, typically near the edge
  • Painful or sore nails
  • Thickened nails
  • Discoloration, often yellow, green or black
  • Brittle or crumbling at the edges
  • Rough, abnormal nail surface texture
  • Foul odor
  • Distorted nail shape
  • Dull, with no shine
  • Scaly skin around the nail
  • Inflammation, redness and swelling under and around the nail
  • The nail may separate or lift from the nail bed

Not all nail infections are fungal infections. Conditions with similar symptoms include eczema, psoriasis, and Reiter’s syndrome.

If you notice any symptoms of nail fungus, it is important to have your nails examined by a professional. In Phoenix, Dr. Holy is familiar with nail fungus and able to treat many conditions. To schedule an appointment, contact THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology at 602-867-7546 or website today. 

Posted: November 25, 2020 By:

What are Spider Veins?

Spider veins, known medically as telangiectasia or venulectasias, are a mild form of varicose veins that appear on the surface of the skin as thin red purple lines or web-like patterns. Spider veins commonly appear on the surface of the thighs, calves and ankles but can also appear on the face. Spider veins aren’t always just an aesthetic concern, but can occasionally cause symptoms like swelling, itching, night cramps, fatigue, aching and/or burning.

There are typically three spider vein patterns:

  • A spider web shape where veins radiate out from a central hub
  • An arborizing pattern that resembles branches on a tree
  • Thin, separate lines

Spider veins are typically caused by abnormal blood flow in the veins and weakened vein walls. Other factors that contribute to the development of spider veins include:

Age: The likelihood of developing spider veins increases with age.

Genetics: Spider veins tend to run in families.

Prolonged Standing or Sitting: Not moving around enough can lead to vein damage or make existing vein conditions worse.

Blunt Trauma: Physical damage to your veins can cause them to not work properly and develop spider veins and varicose veins.

Sun Damage: This can lead to spider veins on the face, especially if you’re fair skinned.

Pregnancy and Hormonal Changes: Pregnancy can increase estrogen (the female sex hormone) in your body, which may weaken your vein walls and contribute to the development of spider veins.

Obesity: Being overweight puts extra pressure and stress on your circulatory system.

Spider veins don’t typically go away on their own and usually require treatment. If you experience spider veins, there are minimally-invasive procedures to effectively remove or reduce the appearance of your spider veins. The two kinds of treatments available for spider veins use either chemical injections or light to shrink your veins so that they eventually fade away and disappear.

To learn more about spider veins and treatment options in Phoenix, contact THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology at 602-867-7546 or website.

Posted: November 18, 2020 By:

What Does a Dermatologist Do on Your First Visit?

Dermatologists are experts when it comes to helping people of all ages maintain healthy skin, hair and nails. It is recommended that adults, regardless of their health status, have a dermatological checkup once per year. Regularly visiting your dermatologist is also important since skin cancer, which is common these days, can be difficult to recognize. 

Aside from detecting skin cancer, other common reasons why you should visit a dermatologist include:

  • Acne
  • Skin irritation
  • Skin rash, bumps, redness and other changes
  • Warts
  • Skin lumps
  • Dry skin
  • Hair loss
  • Brittle nails
  • Nail discoloration
  • Unsightly moles
  • Aging skin
  • Skin pigmentation

Preparing for Your Visit

If it is your first visit to a dermatologist, it can be helpful to know what to expect. If you have specific questions or concerns, write them out before and bring with you to your scheduled appointment. 

On the day of your visit, don’t wear any makeup and make sure that your skin is clean to give your dermatologist an accurate assessment of your skin condition.

You can expect the following on your first visit to the dermatologist:

Review your Medical History – As a new patient, you will initially fill out some paperwork which includes your medical history, medications and medical conditions, among others. You should also be prepared to answer past and current skin issues and describe your symptoms in detail. Dr. Holy may also ask if you are currently taking or have had any type of medication which includes prescription medicine, over-the-counter medications, dietary supplements or herbal medications. 

Full-body Skin Check – During your initial appointment, you may be asked to take off your clothes and put on a lightweight gown. Your skin will be checked for any skin growth, unusual moles, and other irregularities from head to toe. A special diagnostic tool called a dermatoscope may also be used by Dr. Holy to better observe skin lesions. 

You May Receive a Prescription – You may be prescribed medication depending on your unique skin condition. Make sure to ask questions about the prescribed medications, possible side effects and how to manage potential side effects. 

Expect Follow-Up Appointments – Depending on your specific dermatologic problem, you may need to return for additional check-ups. In cases like acne, Dr. Holy may want to see you periodically to check if the medications are working well or monitor your skin’s overall health. If you are in need of a dermatology visit, contact THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology at 602-867-7546 or website to schedule an exam with Dr. Holy.

Posted: November 11, 2020 By:

Can You Prevent Wrinkles from Developing?

Wrinkles are a natural part of the aging process. Although they are inevitable, there are things you can do to help prevent them from developing. 

Protect Your Skin from the Sun

Wrinkles typically appear in areas that are most exposed to the sun, such as your face, neck or the back of your hands. The sun’s harmful UV rays damage the DNA in your skin cells, which causes your skin to age and become less elastic. 

Some sunlight is important because your skin uses it to produce vitamin D, which helps to build and maintain strong bones. However, too much sun is harmful. If you’re going to be out in the sun for extended periods of time, cover up your skin, use sunscreen and seek shady areas. Wear a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses.

Stop Smoking

There are many reasons not to smoke, and wrinkled skin is as good of a reason to quit as any. Smoking dries your skin out and narrows your blood vessels. This reduces the supply of oxygen and vital nutrients to your skin and can cause changes to how firm your skin is. So, people who smoke are more likely to have facial wrinkles at a younger age. Puckering up your lips when you smoke also causes lines to form around your mouth. 

If you smoke, try to give it up. This will be good for your general health, as well as good for your skin.

Stay Hydrated 

Healthy skin starts from within. Stay hydrated with water, coconut water, and green tea (which is full of antioxidants). Not only is moisturizing from within important, but water rids your body of toxins.

Make Healthy Lifestyle Choices

There are several lifestyle changes you can make to help your skin stay youthful and prevent wrinkles:

  • Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet. Your skin needs a good supply of vitamins and minerals to stay healthy.  
  • If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation. Alcohol can dehydrate your skin, leading to wrinkles. 
  • Keep active. Simple activities, such as walking, improve circulation and help deliver more oxygen to your skin.

Whether you have just started to notice the first signs of aging on your skin or your wrinkles have already settled in, contact THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology at phone or website to learn more about wrinkle prevention tips and treatments that can help you look younger.

Posted: November 4, 2020 By:

What are the Side Effects of Microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion is one of the easiest, safest and most effective anti-aging treatments you can get. The treatment exfoliates dead skin cells and leaves fresh new skin in its place. As microdermabrasion is gaining in popularity and accessibility, it is important to understand the side effects that can happen with this type of skin rejuvenation treatment. Microdermabrasion is considered very safe with only the rarest cases causing anything besides brief, mild side effects. Of course, it’s always best to be prepared for the potential consequences of a treatment, no matter how small. So, here’s a closer look at the most common side effects of microdermabrasion:

Pigmentation Issues: One possible side effect of microdermabrasion is discoloration of the skin, particularly in people who have a darker complexion. Following the treatment, it is possible to see slight unevenness in the pigmentation.

Redness: Some people who have had microdermabrasion notice redness of the skin following treatment. This condition isn’t permanent and usually resolves itself in just a few days.

Dryness: Microdermabrasion may cause dry or flaking skin. In most cases, this dry skin condition goes away after just a few days.

Itching: Itchy skin is another temporary side effect of microdermabrasion. 

Purging: Purging is a side effect of acne microdermabrasion. The exfoliation of the treatment opens the pores, exposing bacteria. This exposure brings on an acne surge, but it is a temporary reaction to the treatment and will go away in a few days.

Although microdermabrasion is a very safe procedure, you do need to be aware of potential side effects. It’s important to choose a doctor who is experienced with the treatment, ensuring that the right safety steps will be taken. Microdermabrasion in Phoenix with Dr. Holy will leave you with great looking skin with minimal, if any, side effects. 

To learn more about microdermabrasion or to schedule an appointment, contact THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology at 602-867-7546 or website.

Posted: October 25, 2020 By:

Are All Warts Caused by HPV?

Warts are common, harmless skin growths that can be treated by a dermatologist. Warts appear when a virus called human papillomavirus (HPV) infects the top layer of the skin. 

There are several different kinds of warts including common warts, plantar (foot/mosaic) warts, and flat warts. All types of warts are caused by HPV. Wart are contagious. They can be transmitted by direct contact or indirectly through contaminated surfaces and objects.

Warts can grow on any part of your body, but are most commonly found on the hands and feet. Their appearance depends on their location. On the tops of the hands and face they protrude, while on pressure areas such as the palms and soles they are often thick and flat.

Warts are often skin-colored and feel rough, but they can be dark (brown or grey-black), flat and smooth. Warts can be diagnosed simply by looking at them but in rare cases a biopsy might be performed to be certain.

Some people are more likely to develop a wart than others. For children, warts sometimes disappear without treatment over a period of several months to years. Warts in adults do not disappear as easily or as quickly as they do in children.

Warts often go away with over-the-counter treatment. However, warts that are bothersome, painful, multiplying rapidly or if you are unable to get rid of the wart at home you should schedule an appointment with Dr. Holy to seek treatment. There are many treatments for warts, and treatment options depend on the age of the patient as well as the location and type of wart.

Contact THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology at 602-867-7546 or website if you have questions or concerns about warts, other skin conditions or would like to schedule a skin evaluation. 

Posted: October 18, 2020 By: