How Does Excel V Laser Work?

Most people are affected by some sort of skin condition. Even if mild, any problem with your skin can have an impact on your quality of life. The Excel V laser is a new, state-of-the-art laser treatment used to improve various skin conditions. If you are suffering from rosacea, port wine stains, varicose veins or uneven skin tone, the Excel V laser may be able to help.

The Excel V laser utilizes a unique high-power green laser that is absorbed by the abnormal blood vessels in the skin, resulting in improved skin appearance. The Excel V laser is highly customizable, allowing Dr. Holy to precisely treat individual conditions with a high level of accuracy. Results will always vary depending on the individual patient, but the Excel V typically has a high satisfaction rate.

The Excel V laser has multiple settings; these different modes are used to treat a wide variety of conditions, including:

  • Rosacea
  • Broken Blood Vessels
  • Varicose Veins
  • Facial Veins (red and blue)
  • Venous lake (purple lesions on lips)
  • Redness 
  • Birthmarks
  • Scars and keloids
  • Port Wine Stain
  • Hemangiomas
  • Cherry Angioma
  • Freckles
  • Sun Damage
  • Age spots
  • Warts

The number of treatment sessions required will depend on the specific condition being treated as well as on the patient’s individual skin. Some patients will see results after just one session, while others may require more.

Excel V generally has minimal side effects. The most common side effect a patient might experience is redness or swelling in the treated areas. In rare cases, bruising may occur. These side effects should not be serious, and often resolve themselves within just a few days.

The Excel V laser has proven to be safe and effective when administered by an experienced dermatologist such as Dr. Holy. Because of its efficiency and versatility, it has become a popular treatment at THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology in Phoenix.  

If you have a skin condition that may be treated with the Excel V laser, contact us today at 602-867-7546 or website to schedule a consultation with Dr. Holy.

Posted: March 11, 2021 By:

Spider Vein Treatments

Spider veins are a mild form of varicose veins that appear on the surface of the skin as thin red purple lines or web-like patterns. Spider veins commonly appear on the surface of the thighs, calves and ankles but can also appear on the face. Spider veins aren’t always just an aesthetic concern, but can occasionally cause symptoms like swelling, itching, night cramps, fatigue, aching and/or burning.

Spider veins don’t typically go away on their own and usually require treatment. If you experience spider veins, there are minimally-invasive procedures to effectively remove or reduce the appearance of your spider veins. The two kinds of treatments available for spider veins use either chemical injections or light to shrink your veins so that they eventually fade away and disappear.

Sclerotherapy – Sclerotherapy is the most common treatment for spider veins. During this procedure at THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology, Dr. Holy injects a chemical solution into the spider veins with a very fine needle, causing them to slowly shrink, collapse, and eventually disappear. The procedure is performed in the office, is almost pain-free, and requires no down time.

After the injections, the treated area will be compressed with bandages or wraps and you will need to wear compression stockings for about a week. This makes the procedure more effective and speeds healing.

Multiple sessions are often needed for the best effect.

Laser/Light Treatments – In spider vein laser treatment, a high-intensity beam of light is pointed at the spider veins, heating them up and destroying them, eventually causing them to disappear. Laser treatment is considered the optimal treatment for spider veins on the face and can be used on other parts of the body, but it’s rarely used on the legs. It may take multiple treatments for full effectiveness.

Intense pulsed light (IPL) treatment is much like laser treatment, but it’s not as precisely focused. IPL uses concentrated pulses of light which selectively damages and destroys abnormal veins, including small spider veins and small vascular birthmarks. Intense light therapy is best suited for vascular lesions located slightly deeper in the skin than those treated with other procedures. This treatment may be recommended when other options can’t effectively treat the superficial vein.

Both laser and IPL treatments may be an option for some patients who are unable to undergo sclerotherapy, such as pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Results of Spider Vein Treatments

It can take several weeks to see results from both light-based treatment and sclerotherapy. It is possible that not all treated veins will disappear completely after a single treatment, so multiple sessions, spaced out, may be required.

To learn more about spider veins and treatment options in Phoenix, contact THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology at 602-867-7546 or website.

Posted: March 4, 2021 By:

Wrinkle Treatment Options – Part Two

Micro-Needling: Micro-Needling is a form of collagen induction therapy intended to smooth wrinkles, improve depressed acne scarring as well as reduce the appearance of stretch marks. The micro-needling device slides along the skin, penetrating the upper layers of the skin to a depth of up to 2mm to create numerous tiny needle wounds. The procedure prompts the body to respond through the creation of new collagen and elastin fibers. In response to the stimulus, the skin plumps and thickens, reducing the appearance of scars and fine lines and wrinkles.

Fractional CO2 laser: Fractional CO2 laser resurfacing can erase years from your face and dramatically improve the appearance of wrinkles and skin pigment. Fractional CO2 lasers excel at treating deeper wrinkles, more severe textural changes from sun damage, wrinkles, blotchiness, acne scars and surgical or traumatic scars. It can even be used on the delicate eyelid skin and around the mouth. 

Fraxel® laser skin treatments: Fraxel is a laser skin rejuvenation treatment that resurfaces your outer skin, erasing imperfections. It also encourages the production of collagen, which is instrumental in maintaining firm, youthful, healthy-looking skin. Fraxel is one of the most advanced laser wrinkle treatments for the face available today.

Radiofrequency (RF) skin tightening: Radio frequency skin tightening is an aesthetic technique that uses RF energy to heat tissue and stimulate subdermal collagen production to reduce the appearance of fine lines and loose skin. The technique induces tissue remodeling and production of new collagen and elastin. This technology involves targeting the energy which is from a radiofrequency source rather than a light source to heat up the deeper layers of the skin.

Chemical peel: A chemical peel uses a chemical solution to smooth the texture of your skin by removing the damaged outer layers. Chemical peels can improve the skin’s appearance. In this wrinkle treatment, a chemical solution is applied to the skin, which makes it blister and eventually peel off. The new skin is usually smoother and less wrinkled than the old skin. A chemical peel is one of the least invasive ways to improve the appearance of your skin.

If you are experiencing facial wrinkles and would like to discuss treatment options with Dr. Holy, contact THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology at 602-867-7546 or website to schedule an appointment. 

Posted: February 25, 2021 By:

Wrinkle Treatment Options – Part One

Wrinkles are the most common sign of aging. We all get them…and we all want to get rid of them. The gradual development of wrinkles, whether fine surface lines or deeper creases and folds, is a classic sign of accumulated skin damage and inevitable aging. Premature aging and wrinkling of the skin may be accelerated by various reasons including excessive exposure to the sun and other elements, overactive facial expression muscles, the frequent use of tobacco products and poor nutrition. Dr. Holy in Phoenix offers multiple wrinkle treatments for the face. 

BOTOX® Cosmetic/Dysport/Xeomin: BOTOX Cosmetic, Dysport, and XEOMIN are different products that rely on the same active ingredient — botulinum toxin type A — to relax the facial muscles that are responsible for the formation of wrinkles. They work by selectively weakening these facial muscles, relaxing wrinkles and smoothing the overlying skin. The result is a youthful-looking, refreshed appearance that respects your own unique features.

Dermal fillers: Dermal fillers help to diminish facial lines and restore volume and fullness in the face. Dermal fillers are injectable gels composed from either natural or synthetically derived materials like hyaluronic acid. Dermal fillers gently lift and pump up the skin to restore the collagen that has been lost due to the natural aging process. Dermal fillers also enable the body to generate its own collagen which can help in giving a natural and youthful facial appearance.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) liquid facelift: The PRP Facelift is a procedure that uses your own blood to help boost the youthful appearance of your face. This procedure helps grow new tissue which smooths skin texture and encourages the growth of new blood vessels to provide a beautiful healthy glow! By activating and harnessing natural growth factors within your own blood, the Platelet Rich Plasma liquid facelift safely, comfortably, and effectively restores the balance your skin needs to maintain a fresh, youthful look.

Wrinkle Treatment Options Part Two continued next week. 

Posted: February 18, 2021 By:

How Does Laser Skin Resurfacing Work?

Few of us are lucky enough to have smooth, flawless skin. Maintaining a youthful, clear complexion gets even more difficult as we age—our skin begins to show the effects of sun damage, habits such as smoking, tanning and the natural aging process. 

Laser skin resurfacing can improve the appearance of your face by selectively targeting the superficial layers of skin that contain fine lines or deeper wrinkles, scars and hyperpigmentation or discoloration. Laser skin resurfacing can help improve skin tone, texture and appearance by removing dull, damaged skin and promoting the skin’s natural healing process. Following treatment, healthier, more youthful-looking skin emerges to reveal a more radiant, clear complexion.

What skin problems can laser resurfacing treat?

Laser resurfacing can be used to improve the following skin conditions:

  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Fine lines & wrinkles
  • Dullness
  • Vascular lesions
  • Precancerous growths
  • Rosacea
  • Age spots, sun spots and sun damage
  • Textural irregularities
  • Lip lines or smoker’s lines
  • Acne scars
  • Surgical scars
  • Skin laxity (sagging skin)

Laser skin resurfacing uses powerful lasers to remove several layers of the epidermis, encouraging your skin to produce new, firmer and smoother skin and enhancing the production of firming collagen in your skin. Laser skin resurfacing is a proven way to help reduce wrinkles, age spots, acne scars and other blemishes as well as tighten skin and balance tone. These powerful lasers essentially burn away damaged skin, leaving your skin looking red and feeling raw for several days to weeks after the treatment. 

The time it takes to heal after laser skin resurfacing varies according to several factors including the type of laser used, the location of the treatment and the individual patient’s skin type. Side effects of laser skin resurfacing include swelling, redness and itching, which should subside within a few days. The full recovery time ranges between 1 – 2 weeks, depending on the intensity of the procedure, and several follow-up appointments will be required. For some patients, full skin pigmentation may not return until 6 months to a year after the treatment. It’s important for patients to avoid sun exposure and use sun protection.

To learn more about laser skin resurfacing in Phoenix or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Holy, contact THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology by calling 602-867-7546 or visiting website

Posted: February 11, 2021 By:

What Causes Hair Loss?

Everyone loses hair; it is normal to lose about 50-100 hairs every day. However, if you experience bald patches or large amounts of thinning, you may be experiencing hair loss that requires a visit to the dermatologist for proper diagnosis and possible treatment. Dr. Holy in Phoenix specializes in treating the skin, nails and hair. Most hair loss causes can be stopped or treated following proper diagnosis.

The following describes some hair loss causes: 

Hair disorders: Hereditary thinning or baldness (also called androgenetic alopecia): This is the most common cause of hair loss. It affects men and women, affecting millions of people in the United States. 

Disease: Hair loss can be the first sign of an underlying disease. About 30 diseases, including thyroid disease and anemia, cause hair loss. By treating the disease, hair loss often can be stopped or reversed.

Illness: Significant hair loss can occur after an illness. A major surgery, high fever, severe infection or even the flu can cause hair loss. 

Some cancer treatments: Radiation therapy and chemotherapy can cause hair loss. This hair loss is often temporary, but it can cause great distress.

Having a baby: After giving birth, some women have noticeable hair loss caused by falling estrogen levels. The hair loss is temporary and re-growth usually occurs within a few months.

Menopause: Hair loss is common during menopause. This loss is often temporary. Hair re-grows with time. If a woman is 40 years of age or older, she should not expect her hair to have the fullness that it did when she was younger.

Stress: Experiencing a traumatic event can cause hair loss.

Protein: When the body does not get enough protein, it rations the protein it does get. One way the body can ration protein is to shut down hair growth. 

Iron: Not getting enough iron can lead to hair loss. Good sources of iron are soybeans, pumpkin seeds, white beans, lentils, spinach, clams, oysters and organ meats.

Medications: Some prescription medicines can cause hair loss. These include: 

  • Blood thinners
  • Medicines that treat arthritis, depression, gout, heart problems and high blood pressure 
  • Birth control pills 
  • Anabolic steroids 

Hair care: Your hairstyle and even some of the products you use on your hair can cause hair loss. Frequent bleaching or permanents can cause the hair to break. Regular or improper use of dyes, gels, relaxers and hair sprays also can cause hair breakage. When used to hold hair tightly, hairpins, clips and rubber bands can break hair.

No matter the cause, hair loss can affect the way both men and women look or think about themselves and can have a huge effect on self-confidence. If you are in Phoenix and are experiencing hair loss and would like to schedule an exam with Dr. Holy, contact THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology at 602-867-7546 or website.

Posted: February 4, 2021 By:

What are Birthmarks?

Birthmarks are colored marks on the skin that are present at birth or develop soon after. There are two main types of birthmarks, vascular and pigmented. 

Vascular Birthmarks (often red, purple or pink) are caused by abnormal blood vessels in or under the skin. Vascular birthmarks often occur in the head and neck area, mainly on the face.  

Common types of vascular birthmarks are:

  • Salmon Patch (stork mark): Salmon patches are flat red or pink patches that can appear on a baby’s eyelids, neck or forehead at birth. They’re the most common type of vascular birthmark and occur in around half of all babies. Most salmon patches will fade completely within a few months, but if they occur on the forehead they may take up to four years to disappear. Patches on the back of the neck can last longer. 
  • Infantile Hemangioma: Infantile hemangiomas, also known as strawberry marks, are raised marks on the skin that are usually red. They can appear anywhere on the body. Sometimes infantile hemangiomas occur deeper in the skin, in which case the skin can look blue or purple. Hemangiomas are common, particularly in girls, and affect around 5% of babies soon after birth. They rapidly increase in size for the first six months before eventually shrinking and disappearing by around seven years of age. Hemangiomas that get bigger rapidly, or those that interfere with vision or feeding, may need to be treated.
  • Capillary Malformation: Capillary malformation, also known as port wine stains, are flat red or purple marks that affect a very small number of newborn babies. They can vary in size, from a few millimeters to several centimeters in diameter. Port wine stains often affect one side of the body and usually occur on the face, chest and back (although they can occur anywhere). 

Pigmented Birthmarks (usually brown) are caused by clusters of pigment cells. Pigmented birthmarks are tan or brown-colored skin marks.

Some of the most common types of pigmented birthmarks are:

  • Café-au-lait Spots: Café-au-lait spots are coffee-colored skin patches. Many children have one or two, but if more than six have developed by the time the child is five, they should be checked by a doctor. 
  • Mongolian Spots: Mongolian spots are blue-grey or bruised-looking birthmarks that are present from birth. They’re more commonly seen in darker-skinned people and usually occur over the lower back or buttocks. However, they can also appear elsewhere on the body or limbs. Mongolian spots may last for months or years, but they usually disappear by the time a child reaches four years of age. 
  • Congenital Melanocytic Naevi: Congenital melanocytic naevi are also known as congenital moles. They’re relatively large brown or black moles that are present from birth. They’re fairly common and are caused by an overgrowth of pigment cells in the skin. Most congenital melanocytic naevi become proportionally smaller and less obvious with time, although they may darken during puberty or become bumpy or hairy. 

Most birthmarks are harmless and don’t require any treatment. In some cases, a birthmark will need to be treated for medical reasons – for example, if a hemangioma blocks the airways, affects vision or becomes ulcerated. Some people may also decide to seek treatment for cosmetic reasons. To learn more about birthmarks or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Holy to have a birthmark evaluated, contact THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology at 602-867-7546 or website

Posted: January 25, 2021 By:

Types of Skin Cancer

Our skin is the largest of our human organs. Not only does our skin give us our appearance and shape, it also serves crucial functions such as regulating our body temperature and acting as a shield to protect us from environmental irritants, bacteria, heat and cold. Unfortunately, our skin is susceptible to cancer. In fact, dermal (skin) cancer is the most common of all cancers and effects millions of Americans each year. 

There are three main types of dermal cancer. These cancers begin in a different type of cell within the skin and each cancer is named for the type of cell in which it begins. 

Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC): Basal cell carcinoma is the most common form of dermal cancer. It usually develops on sun exposed areas as a small, round, raised, red spot. If detected early the chances of a cure are good. While these tumors very rarely metastasize (cancer spreading to other parts of the body), early diagnosis and treatment is important to prevent extensive damage to surrounding tissue.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC): Squamous cell carcinoma is the second most common dermal cancer. It also mainly develops on sun exposed areas. It is a slowly growing cancer with a tendency to spread to other parts of the body. If SCC is detected early the cure rates are good. 

Malignant Melanoma (MM): Malignant melanoma is the most dangerous and life-threatening dermal cancer. It has a great potential to spread to other parts of the body. Certain moles have the tendency to change their appearance and turn into MM. Because of the severity of MM, it is important for survival to detect MM as early as possible. With early detection and proper treatment, however, the cure rate for melanoma is about 95%.

When detected early, skin cancer is highly treatable. To learn more about skin cancer or to schedule an examination with Dr. Holy, contact THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology today by calling 602-867-7546 or visiting website

Posted: January 18, 2021 By:

What are the Benefits of Micro Needling?

Micro needling is a minimally invasive anti-aging skin treatment technique that stimulates your skin, helping it to heal and reverse the signs of aging. Micro needling is not an injection and although it uses needles, it does not pierce or puncture the skin. 

Micro needling benefits your skin in many ways, causing it to appear more vibrant, brighter, younger, and you will start to see wrinkles disappear as your appearance improves. In addition to stimulating the skin, micro needling can also be used to reduce the appearance of scars. It can help heal sunspots and sun-damaged skin. The following issues can all be improved by the micro needling procedure:

  • Fine Lines and Wrinkles
  • Premature Skin Aging
  • Scars
  • Stretch Marks
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Age Spots
  • Rosacea
  • Acne
  • Large Pores
  • Hair Loss

The process of micro needling stimulates anti-aging elements by speeding up and increasing collagen production. The number of treatments and the medicines used vary from patient to patient and condition to condition. Results are generally noticed within a month of beginning the procedure. Micro needling patients will benefit with firmer skin, lighter wrinkles, fewer folds, better texture of skin, smaller pores and improved appearance of stretch marks and scars. Additional benefits of skin needling are that there is no recovery time, no damage to your skin and it is a painless procedure. 

It is important that micro needling only be administered by a dermatologist, nurse or licensed aesthetician, a skilled professional trained in the technique. If you have been looking for an easy, painless anti-aging solution, then consider micro needling in Phoenix. Contact THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology at 602-867-7546 or website for more information. 

Posted: January 11, 2021 By:

Ways to Prevent Skin Cancer

One thing that all types of skin cancers have in common is that early detection is key. Cancer screenings are vital, as is reporting any unusual or new moles to your dermatologist. The earlier your skin cancer is detected, the more likely you and your doctor can develop an effective treatment plan.

People of all races and skin types can get skin cancer. If you notice any of the following signs or symptoms, consult Dr. Holy as soon as possible.

  • Any skin lesion that grows larger and turns pearly, translucent, brown, black or multi-colored
  • An open sore or wound that does not heal, persists for more than 4r weeks or heals and later reopens
  • Any skin spot growth that continues to itch, hurt, crust over, form a scab, erode or bleed for several weeks

You are not helpless when it comes to preventing skin cancer. There are things that you can do to prevent it or recognize it as early as you can. Things you can do to reduce your risk of getting skin cancer:

Seek Shade: Shade is not only the best place to go in the heat of the midday sun, but one of the safest places to be for your skin. 

Wear protective gear: If you know you’re going to be spending time in the sun, there are some things you can take along to protect your skin and eyes. 

Use sunscreen: A little bit of cream, spray or gel can save your skin. 

Self-Exam: The best way to catch cancer before it catches you is to discover it early. Take advantage of the fact that your skin is the most visible organ of the body and check it regularly. 

When detected early, skin cancer is highly treatable. Dr. Holy in Phoenix recommends a thorough skin examination every year or as any changes in skin appearance occur. To schedule a skin exam, contact THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology at 602-867-7546 or website. Remember, healthy skin is beautiful skin.

Posted: January 4, 2021 By: