Three Ways to Calm Down Stressed-Out Skin

Dullness, tiredness, dryness, and redness are all signs of stressed-out skin. The outermost part of the epidermis is the stratum corneum, better known as the skin’s protective barrier. The skin barrier regulates water loss, retains moisture, and provides hydration. It also serves to protect the deeper layers of skin from pollution, ultraviolet rays, toxins, dehydration, infection, irritation, and inflammation. When the skin barrier is damaged, it affects the quality of the skin as because the skin barrier is resilient yet delicate. It requires plenty of nourishment and hydration to function optimally. 

Three ways to calm down stressed-out skin include knowing what causes your skin to have a reaction either to hormones, environment, or products, to implement a daily skincare regimen, and effective ways to hydrate and soothe as you wait for your skin to rid itself of redness, inflammation, severe dryness, stinging or burning from product application, breakouts, and dullness to complexion. First, internal stress can manifest on the skin. Stressed-out skin can be brought on by emotional stress, hormonal fluctuations, and the lack of a healthy diet and adequate internal hydration, or  (not drinking enough water). If you are able to make changes to these factors in even the smallest of ways, you may experience relief in some or all of your skin symptoms. Second, keep your skincare routine simple by avoiding products with extra fragrance, colors, or dyes. Skincare regimens are all the rage these days with layer upon layer being promoted from influencers around the world of what will give your skin a glass-like, dewy finish when in reality some of these products may be too abrasive for your skin or the wrong combination or quantity could be the culprit for your stressed-out skin. Wash your face with a mild, gentle cleanser, add a hydrating serum, and moisturize the face. Keep your steps minimal and only introduce new products one at a time to give your skin time to adjust to the efficacy and compatibility of your unique skin. Third, if you find that a certain product has caused redness, burning, or irritation to your skin, discontinue use of the product and take care of the skin by applying hydrating facial masks or creams containing ceramides and hyaluronic acid to refresh and rejuvenate the skin.

 For a full assessment of your skin’s health and personalized, effective options to calm down your stressed-out skin, book an appointment with one of our board-certified dermatologists at THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology by calling 602-867-7546 or visiting WEBSITE.

Posted: February 25, 2023 By:

Acne and Rosacea-They May Look Similar But They Are Not

Acne and rosacea are both common skin conditions that cause breakouts but although they may look similar because they have some overlapping symptoms, they are very different. The main difference is in appearance: as acne is typically isolated to pimples and the pimple area whereas rosacea covers a larger area. Rosacea appears on the face, usually on the cheeks and nose, sometimes on the chin or forehead, while acne can be found on the face, back, chest, and shoulders. Both acne and rosacea show up as bumps and pimples which is often what causes confusion between the two.

Whiteheads, blackheads, swelling, bumps and pimples, and deep, hard nodules are characteristics of acne. Large affected areas of redness, smaller bumps, pimples, thickening of skin, eye irritation, itchiness, and flushing are common symptoms of rosacea. Typically, teenagers, young adults, and those who are pregnant experience acne whereas those over the age of 30 are affected by rosacea. One of the biggest differences between acne and rosacea is in the comedones, the skin-colored bumps that are either open blackheads or closed whiteheads in the pores of the skin or hair follicle that become clogged with oil, dead skin cells, or bacteria. Comedones are specific to acne and can help you determine if the inflammation on your skin is acne or rosacea. Inflamed bumps can be a little trickier to classify as acne or rosacea because papules, pustules, nodules, and cysts can be related to both. Knowing what is triggering the changes to your skin will help you narrow down which skin condition you are experiencing. Acne is often brought on by hormonal fluctuations which is why it commonly presents during puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, and even menopause. Rosacea is more commonly triggered by environmental factors such as sunlight, heat, cold, and stress, certain drinks or foods, and harsh skin care products.

Although there may be a difference between acne and rosacea, treatment options might be the same. It is not uncommon for a dermatologist to recommend prescriptions that may be beneficial for both conditions. For example, antibiotics are great for reducing inflammation and may be recommended in either case. Common acne treatments include topical treatments, oral antibiotics, hormonal treatments, isotretinoin, laser therapy, and fillers. Common rosacea treatments include topical anti-inflammatory treatments, oral medications to decrease inflammation, topical medication for flushing and redness, and laser treatment.

Posted: February 18, 2023 By:

Benefits of Chemical Peels

Is it possible the mythical fountain of youth is not really a legendary place but can be found just beyond the surface of your skin? Peeling back old, damaged skin to reveal a fresh, healthier layer of skin may be the magic fix to rejuvenating your look. With a deep chemical peel, you may discover a host of benefits all in one treatment. Now Does the thought of putting anything with the name “chemical” on your face sounds counterproductive, ? Don’t worry about causing further damage not helping tothis type of treatment really does repair it. So, what is a chemical peel and what are the benefits?

For youthful, glowing, and softer skin, THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology offers many types of dermatological treatments to help you look and feel your best. Chemical peels can diminish signs of aging on the face, as well as the hands, neck, and decollate. A chemical peel is a technique where a chemical solution is applied to the skin causing it to exfoliate and eventually peel away. Based on your needs and skin sensitivity, there are various levels of chemical peels: a superficial or “lunchtime” peel that penetrates only the outer layer of skin with an alpha-hydroxy acid, a medium peel that penetrates the outer and middle layers of skin with glycolic or trichloroacetic acid to remove damaged skin cells, and a deep peel that penetrates the deep layers of the middle layer of skin with trichloroacetic acid or phenol. As the most aggressive of the treatment options, a deep chemical peel will make a dramatic appearance in the skin and will not require multiple treatments. 

Benefits of chemical peels include boosting collagen production in the skin improving the skin’s elasticity. A chemical peel is a simple exfoliation that evens skin tone and texture. Chemical peels can reverse sun damage, control melasma, fight acne and reduce acne marks, soften fine lines, fade age spots, and tighten the skin. In addition to all the good that chemical peels provide, treatment is fully customizable. Your board-certified dermatologist can mix and match different acids to give you the best boost to your skin possible. Chemical peels are low risk and safe for all skin types and color. 

Ready to peel back your layers to find the best skin of your life? Contact THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology today at 602-867-7546 or WEBSITE

Posted: February 11, 2023 By:

What Other Laser Treatments Do Dermatologists Offer?

Laser treatments most effectively work to restore the surface of the skin, eliminate sunspots and age spots, erase fine lines and wrinkles, reduce pore size, rosacea, and hyperpigmentation, smooth acne scars, and tighten skin. Lasers provide direct, short, pulsated beams of light at skin irregularities to stimulate and promote collagen growth while removing layers of skin. At THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology we offer a variety of laser treatment options that include fractional C02 laser, erbium laser, fraxel laser, radiofrequency skin tightening, intense pulsed light, non-ablative, and ablative laser treatments. The correct treatment for you can be determined with a consultation from your dermatology provider so that you can select the best skin resurfacing treatment for your facial rejuvenation.

Before you spend hours researching the different types of laser treatments and how effective they are on various parts of the body, seek the guidance of your dermatologist. Dermatologists can offer any of the laser treatments above along with a combination or alternate suggestion that would best work for you. Patients should know that laser treatments are hyper-sensitive to sun exposure, and you will have to greatly limit your time in the sun. Laser treatments can be more painful compared to other skin treatments as the pulsation of the laser has been described as a rubber band snapping back against the skin. Additionally, skin type can determine which laser is right for you. Different lasers are optimized for different issues and skin concerns. Certain medication and health conditions can cause poor healing or scarring from laser resurfacing; be sure to explain your full; medical history with your dermatologist so that an alternative treatment may be suggested if necessary. Laser treatments have been proven to be highly effective but vary patient to patient. Many patients will require multiple laser treatments for full effectiveness and long-lasting results.

At THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology we provide the highest quality care and service in both medical and cosmetic services in a friendly and comfortable environment. During your consultation, you will have access to a full range of treatment options with innovative dermatological solutions provided by board-certified, skilled doctors. Call our office today at 602-867-7546 or visit our website at WEBSITE to get started. 

Posted: February 4, 2023 By:

Do Vein Treatments Require Downtime?

When our patients seek treatment for vein-related swelling, varicose veins, or spider veins, aside from wanting to know how quickly those purplish-blue lines will disappear, patients ask “do vein treatments require downtime?” Recovery time varies patient to patient as well as the type of treatment you need, along with the possibility of requiring multiple treatments.

Spider veins are not generally a cause for concern that require medical intervention. If you are bothered by spider veins on your skin, you can try self-care remedies such as losing weight, wearing compression garments, or reducing your need for sitting or standing for long periods of time. If you are still feeling self-conscious, spider veins can be eliminated with minimally invasive treatment options that include sclerotherapy and laser therapy. Although varicose veins are generally benign, unlike spider veins, they can bulge causing bumps in the skin along with aches, pains, and discomfort. These damaged, enlarged, and twisted veins could signal an underlying circulatory problem. However, varicose veins are treated in the same way as spider veins, with sclerotherapy advised by doctors as the top treatment option. Radiofrequency ablation and ambulatory phlebectomy are also options. All these procedures are considered minimally invasive and require little to no downtime. Most patients can return to work the same day or next day.

Ablation treatments are considered more effective, less complicated, and have less pain associated with recovery than surgery. Although for some patients vein stripping surgery is recommended. Recovery from surgery can take two 2 to four 4 weeks. Your surgeon will advise you to stay off your feet for at least three 3 to four 4 days post-surgery and then you will be able to remove the bandages after that. By week 4, you should be cleared to resume normal activities.

If you are concerned about the look of veins on your legs, THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology offers safe, effective, and virtually pain free treatment methods. Call 602-867-7546 for your appointment or visit WEBSITE to schedule or request information about our services. 

Posted: January 25, 2023 By:

Sunscreen Even When It Is Not Summer?

When making resolutions to improve something in your life, the 21-day rule is the general standard. If you dedicate yourself to committing to a goal for three 3 weeks, the pursuit of that goal typically becomes a habit. When it comes to your skincare regimen, dermatologists will advise patients to minimally adhere to these three 3 healthy skin habits daily: cleanse, moisturize, and wear sunscreen. Yes, daily. That means even when the seasons change or even when you are indoors, sunscreen should still be applied as a protectant for the skin. 

Is it true that I need to wear sunscreen even when it is not summer? UVA and UVB rays do not hibernate in the winter. In many places, not only does the sun shine all year round but even on cloudy days, you are still at risk for sun burns. In fact, up to 80% of UV rays can still penetrate light cloud cover and affect the skin. Additionally, even if the sun is not bright overhead, it can reflect harshly off snow and water. The sun is just as intense from one season to another even if the temperature is not high. Leaving your skin unprotected while exposed to sunlight can prematurely age the skin by causing fine lines, wrinkles, freckles, moles, discoloration, and dark spots, as well as lead to precancerous or cancerous lesions and marks, loss of collagen and elastin fibers, and dilation of small blood vessels under the skin. With excessive sun exposure, ultraviolet rays can reach the inner layers of skin, potentially causing cells to die, become damaged, or develop cancer. You can help protect the skin by wearing a broad-screen protective sunscreen of at least SPF 30 at least thirty 30 minutes before heading outside. Even indoors, sunlight pours through windows, including the windows and windshield in your vehicle. You can also add high concentrated antioxidant products to your skin care routine to help reduce UV damage.

No matter your risk for skin cancer, patients should schedule a yearly skin cancer screening. A simple, non-invasive checkup can diagnose, monitor, and treat suspicious growths, moles, or marks on the skin to prevent cancer from spreading. For more information on how to safeguard your skin daily, visit WEBSITE. To schedule an appointment to discuss your skincare needs or any concerns you may have, call THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology at 602-867-7546 and let us help you fight sun damage all year round with patient proven skin care. 

Posted: January 18, 2023 By:

What Does Board Certified Mean and is it Important?

It matters who you trust to treat your face. Dermatologists are one of the most versatile yet specialized groups of doctors as they possess extensive training and expertise in diagnosing and treating more than 3,000 conditions and diseases pertaining to the skin, hair, and nails. While you can go just about anywhere for a laser treatment or dermal filler, holding a board-certified designation is different than simply being a licensed practitioner. 

What does “board certified” mean and is it important? Medical licensure is the minimum requirement to diagnose and treat patients. All physicians in the United States must be licensed to practice and prescribed medicine. A dermatologist is a physician who has earned an MD or a DO degree in dermatology which is centralized around the medical treatment of diseases, impairments, and issues related to the skin including the scalp and under the nails. Dermatology uniquely bridges the gap of many medicinal fields ranging from cosmetic enhancements and aesthetic treatments to repairing disfiguring traumas or resolving life threatening cancers. To become certified by the American Board of Dermatology, in addition to a four4-year medical degree and licensure, must meet certain voluntary requirements as well as ongoing training and education. These include three 3 or more years of residency at an accredited dermatology program, passing of exams demonstrating knowledge and ability to treat patients in dermatology, and making a commitment to remain up to date on the latest advances in the field of dermatology with continuing education assessments and certifications. Additionally, after completing training and passing the medical boards, applicants must gather letters of recommendation and academic transcripts for board certification testing. Testing is rigorous and requires a passing score from the American Board of Dermatology following completion of the dermatology residency. Periodic recertification is required as well. 

Patients can have greater confidence in the success of the treatment they will receive with a dermatologist who has undergone extensive training to show competency in their field. Additionally, dermatology residency programs are very competitive. With so many qualified applicants vying for limited opportunities, residency programs likely choose to accept the best and brightest dermatologists. Choosing a board-certified dermatologist is important to ensure your care is in the hands of a doctor who has dedicated their study to the utmost safety, latest research, and up to date technology. 

For more information on our board-certified dermatologists at THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology, visit our About page on our website. To schedule your next appointment, give us a call at 602-867-7546. 

Posted: January 11, 2023 By:

Can Lasers Be Used to Treat Spider Veins?

Spider veins are tiny varicose veins that appear in the form of thin lines, often in a web-like or tree branch pattern. They develop when one-way valves inside the veins weaken causing blood to flow backward and to accumulate in the vein. The extra blood puts pressure on the walls of the vein causing the walls to bulge creating red, purple, or blue lines that are visible on the legs. Treatment options for spider veins range from at home self-care to minor surgery. To determine the best option for you, visit THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology so our board-certified dermatologists can provide a physical exam to assess your needs and determine which option is not only best but safest for you. A common question we receive from our patients looking for a solution to spider veins is “can lasers be used to treat spider veins?”

While the most common treatment for spider veins is a procedure called sclerotherapy, laser treatment is another effective treatment option. Both options work similarly in that they both cause scarring of the vein to close the vein by preventing blood flow so the body can remove the vein and it will no longer be visible on the skin. Sclerotherapy involves injecting a highly concentrated saline solution directly into the vein. The chemical reaction collapses the vein causing it to scar and disappear gradually over approximately three 3 to six 6 weeks, although larger veins could take longer. Laser treatment involves using a high beam of light to heat and destroy the veins.  It targets the pigment in the blood and warms up the vessel causing the body to reabsorb the vein over the course of four 4 to six 6 weeks. Although either treatment will provide the result you desire, more dermatologists are likely to recommend sclerotherapy over laser treatment. Laser treatment would be best suited for patients with a minimal amount of spider veins and those who are allergic to the chemicals used in sclerotherapy. Advantages of sclerotherapy over laser therapy include hypopigmentation (because laser therapy addresses the pigment changes can be made to surrounding areas of the skin), pain (laser treatment can feel like the snapping of a rubber band on the skin or a burning sensation whereas sclerotherapy is not painful), and number of sessions to achieve elimination of spider veins (laser treatment can require multiple sessions for full effectiveness). 

If you have spider veins and are interested in treatment options to remove them, call THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology today for an appointment. Our number is 602-867-7546 or you can book conveniently online at WEBSITE

Posted: January 4, 2023 By:

How Often Should I Get Screened for Skin Cancer?

While spending time in the sunshine has many health benefits, exposure to ultraviolet rays can potentially lead to skin cancer. Prevention is your best defense against developing life-threatening skin cancers. Choosing to wear clothing, hats, fabrics, and sunglasses with a UPF label or UVA or UVB blockers is highly suggested for your daily use. Applying a broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen of SPF 15 or greater to exposed skin is also recommended to not only keep the skin healthy but youthful looking too. In addition to skin cancer, lots of UV light without sun protection can also cause leathery skin, dark spots, and wrinkles. 

Indoor tanning, sunburns, unprotected exposure to UVA and UVB rays, genetics, skin type, atypical moles, organ transplant, and red hair are top factors that increase skin cancer risk. Early detection is key to the most minimal and cost-effective treatment with the highest chance of a cure. Dermatologists advise getting screened for skin cancer annually, or more often than once a year if you are at higher risk of skin cancer or have had previous skin cancers. Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States and worldwide but when detected early, the 5-year survival rate for melanoma is 99%. percent. 

During a skin cancer screen, the dermatologist will inspect your skin from head to toe. Skin cancer can develop on the scalp and even between the fingers and toes and underneath the nails. Your doctor will check for any moles, birthmarks, or other noticeable skin conditions that may be unusual in color, size, shape, or texture. Some possible signs indicating skin cancer can include change in an existing mole or spot, mole or other skin mark that oozes, bleeds, or becomes crusty, moles that are extra sensitive or painful when touched, open sores that do not heal within two2 weeks, shiny pink, red, white, or translucent bumps, and moles or skin marks or even sores that have irregular borders. When conducting a self-screening, follow the melanoma model of “ABCDE”: asymmetry, border, color, diameter, and evolving. 

If you notice any changes in your skin, it is best to schedule a skin screening with your dermatologist. At THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology we offer skin cancer screenings that only take about 10-15 minutes and pose no risk. Patients should not wear makeup or nail polish and wear hair loose to be able to examine the scalp. A few minutes of your time once a year is an easy and effective way to both prevent and treat early signs of skin cancer. Call 602-867-7546 to schedule your exam. For more information, visit WEBSITE.

Posted: December 25, 2022 By:

How Long Does Botox Last?

Looking to rid your face of fine lines and wrinkles and turn back the clock to more youthful, smooth skin? Botox may be the right option for you. Botox works by weakening or paralyzing certain muscles or by blocking certain nerves with the goal of relaxing those muscles, so they no longer contract and therefore do not crease the skin causing unwanted lines and wrinkles. Certain factors will play a role in the efficacy of your Botox treatment. Keep in mind that it will likely take multiple treatments to make results last longer as well. Variables include your age, the elasticity of your skin, your wrinkle depth and intensity, and your metabolism. How long does Botox last? On average, Botox lasts between 3-4 months.

Botox is a protein that is derived from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. When it is injected into the muscle, it blocks signals from the nerves that cause the muscle to contract, relaxing and softening the look of wrinkles, making your skin look smoother. Botox however is temporary however, because over time the body breaks down that protein. There are a few tips to help you prolong your more youthful look for longer, maximizing your Botox results. These include avoiding sun damage, switching to low-intensity workouts (high intensity workouts raise your metabolic rate which may metabolize the Botox more quickly), reduce stress levels, moisturize the skin, and avoid nicotine. All of these are great suggestions for overall skincare too.

When looking for a Botox provider, training and experience matters. A dermatologist should be knowledgeable in the muscle, tissue, and nerve structures of the face to have precision and care about to where to place your injections for the best, and most natural looking, results. Ask for client testimonials, before and after photos, a sterile office environment, and a provider that offers follow up and touch up appointments.

To schedule your appointment for Botox injections, call THE CENTER for Advanced Dermatology at 602-867-7546. For more information on Botox and how to safely and effectively smooth lines and wrinkles, visit our website at WEBSITE. Let us discuss with you how to help you achieve your skin goals and the various options of skin rejuvenation. 

Posted: December 18, 2022 By: