Kybella Aftercare

Kybella is a non-surgical, non-invasive treatment for the removal of submental fat (a double chin). Kybella is composed of a synthetically produced deoxycholic acid, a compound naturally produced by the liver to break down fat. You can now melt away your double chin without liposuction or surgical procedures, just a series of simple injections! Kybella...
Posted: January 3, 2017 By:

Micro Needling Benefits

Micro needling is a minimally invasive anti-aging skin treatment technique that stimulates your skin, helping it to heal and reverse the signs of aging. Micro needling is not an injection and although it uses needles, it does not pierce or puncture the skin. Micro needling benefits your skin in many ways, causing it to...
Posted: January 11, 2017 By:

Become the Fairest of Them All

Once upon a time…in the land of Phoenix, there lived a beautiful young woman. She had tight, plump, smooth facial skin that reflected her youth. She took these features for granted, expecting them to last forever. This young woman enjoyed her time outdoors. She loved the sun and she loved her appearance with a...
Posted: January 16, 2017 By: