Botox treatment in Phoenix can gently smooth out wrinkles and leave your face looking refreshed and more aesthetically pleasing. No downtime is required after a Botox treatment and patients can return to most of their usual activities immediately following your Botox application. There are a few activities that should
When it comes to reducing wrinkles, the first thing most people think of is Botox. Botox treatment in Phoenix can gently smooth out wrinkles and leave your face looking refreshed and more aesthetically pleasing. How Botox Works As your facial muscles contract, the overlying skin is pushed and pulled
TruSculpt is a non-invasive body contouring system that uses radio frequencies to heat the skin and break down fat cells with no downtime at all. This radiofrequency also allows truSculpt to treat skin laxity and texture, resulting in firmer and smoother skin. One advantage of TruSculpt is that it
Itchy skin is a common complaint of dermatology patients. Itchy skin, also known as pruritus, is most often caused by dry skin. Dry skin is commonly a result of external environmental factors such as low-humidity, long-term use of air conditioners, central heating or washing and bathing too much. Itchy
A chemical peel treatment is a procedure that involves the application of a chemical to the face, neck or hands. A predefined chemical solution is applied to the area to be treated to diminish imperfections by peeling away the skin’s top layers.  The amount of peeling you can expect
Moles are growths or lesions found on the skin and come in various shapes and sizes. Moles can appear anywhere on the skin, from the facial area, as well as arms and chest areas, in groups, or by themselves. They can be present at birth, or can begin to
Everyone loses hair; it is normal to lose about 50-100 hairs every day. However, if you experience bald patches or large amounts of thinning, you may be experiencing hair loss that requires a visit to the dermatologist for proper diagnosis and possible treatment. Dr. Holy in Phoenix specializes in
A chemical peel is a skin resurfacing technique that uses a chemical solution to improve and smooth the texture of the skin by removing its damaged outer layers. It involves the application of toxic chemical solutions to the skin in a controlled manner, producing controlled tissue death and resulting
All people have some form of pigmented spotting on their skin. Whether you are born with these spots or develop them over time through aging or sun exposure, it’s very important to monitor your skin and discuss any changes of your skin spots with a dermatologist. While most spots
Skin cancer does not discriminate by age, gender or ethnicity. It is important to know the signs of skin cancer and how to perform a skin check at home to spot potential problems early. While skin cancer can occur anywhere on the body, approximately 85% of cases are located