Most people are affected by some sort of skin condition. Even if mild, any problem with your skin can have an impact on your quality of life. The Excel V laser is a new, state-of-the-art laser treatment used to improve various skin conditions. If you are suffering from rosacea,
Spider veins are a mild form of varicose veins that appear on the surface of the skin as thin red purple lines or web-like patterns. Spider veins commonly appear on the surface of the thighs, calves and ankles but can also appear on the face. Spider veins aren’t always
Micro-Needling: Micro-Needling is a form of collagen induction therapy intended to smooth wrinkles, improve depressed acne scarring as well as reduce the appearance of stretch marks. The micro-needling device slides along the skin, penetrating the upper layers of the skin to a depth of up to 2mm to create
Wrinkles are the most common sign of aging. We all get them…and we all want to get rid of them. The gradual development of wrinkles, whether fine surface lines or deeper creases and folds, is a classic sign of accumulated skin damage and inevitable aging. Premature aging and wrinkling
Few of us are lucky enough to have smooth, flawless skin. Maintaining a youthful, clear complexion gets even more difficult as we age—our skin begins to show the effects of sun damage, habits such as smoking, tanning and the natural aging process.  Laser skin resurfacing can improve the appearance
Everyone loses hair; it is normal to lose about 50-100 hairs every day. However, if you experience bald patches or large amounts of thinning, you may be experiencing hair loss that requires a visit to the dermatologist for proper diagnosis and possible treatment. Dr. Holy in Phoenix specializes in
Birthmarks are colored marks on the skin that are present at birth or develop soon after. There are two main types of birthmarks, vascular and pigmented.  Vascular Birthmarks (often red, purple or pink) are caused by abnormal blood vessels in or under the skin. Vascular birthmarks often occur in
Our skin is the largest of our human organs. Not only does our skin give us our appearance and shape, it also serves crucial functions such as regulating our body temperature and acting as a shield to protect us from environmental irritants, bacteria, heat and cold. Unfortunately, our skin
Micro needling is a minimally invasive anti-aging skin treatment technique that stimulates your skin, helping it to heal and reverse the signs of aging. Micro needling is not an injection and although it uses needles, it does not pierce or puncture the skin.  Micro needling benefits your skin in
One thing that all types of skin cancers have in common is that early detection is key. Cancer screenings are vital, as is reporting any unusual or new moles to your dermatologist. The earlier your skin cancer is detected, the more likely you and your doctor can develop an