Do Vein Treatments Require Downtime?

When our patients seek treatment for vein-related swelling, varicose veins, or spider veins, aside from wanting to know how quickly those purplish-blue lines will disappear, patients ask “do vein treatments require downtime?” Recovery time varies patient to patient as well as the type of treatment you need, along with the possibility of requiring multiple...
Posted: January 25, 2023 By:

What Other Laser Treatments Do Dermatologists Offer?

Laser treatments most effectively work to restore the surface of the skin, eliminate sunspots and age spots, erase fine lines and wrinkles, reduce pore size, rosacea, and hyperpigmentation, smooth acne scars, and tighten skin. Lasers provide direct, short, pulsated beams of light at skin irregularities to stimulate and promote collagen growth while removing layers...
Posted: February 4, 2023 By:

Benefits of Chemical Peels

Is it possible the mythical fountain of youth is not really a legendary place but can be found just beyond the surface of your skin? Peeling back old, damaged skin to reveal a fresh, healthier layer of skin may be the magic fix to rejuvenating your look. With a deep chemical peel, you may...
Posted: February 11, 2023 By: