Moles are a common type of growth on the skin. They often appear as small brown spots and are caused by clusters of pigmented cells. Moles can develop anywhere on your body, including your scalp, armpits and between your fingers and toes. Moles are usually removed if they are
You may have wondered what the difference is between a chemical peel and microdermabrasion. Both treatments are a form of exfoliation of the skin. Exfoliation is the act of removing dead skin cells from the epidermis, the outermost layer of the skin. The easiest way to maintain healthy skin
Psoriasis is a chronic auto-immune disease that causes a dry, reddish and scaly rash. Originating from the Greek word psora, meaning being itchy, psoriasis is a common skin condition that affects millions of people in the United States. Normally, skin cells reproduce every 21-28 days. With psoriasis, skin cells reproduce
Micro-Needling: Micro-Needling is a form of collagen induction therapy intended to smooth wrinkles, improve depressed acne scarring as well as reduce the appearance of stretch marks. The micro-needling device slides along the skin, penetrating the upper layers of the skin to a depth of up to 2mm to create
Wrinkles are the most common sign of aging. We all get them…and we all want to get rid of them. The gradual development of facial wrinkles, whether fine surface lines or deeper creases and folds, is a classic sign of accumulated skin damage and inevitable aging. Premature aging and
Chemical peels work to remove the damaged outer layers of skin through the application of a chemical solution to the face, neck or hands.  The chemicals will produce a controlled wound that allows softer and more even-toned layers of skin to regenerate. Uses for Chemical Peels Chemical peels can
According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), consumers should be wary of sunscreens boasting a super high sun protection factor (SPF). SPF shows how much the sunscreen will protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays. For example, an SPF of 50 would theoretically allow a person to remain
Some cancer treatments: Radiation therapy and chemotherapy can cause hair loss. This hair loss is often temporary, but it can cause great distress. Ringworm of the scalp: This disease is contagious and common in children. Without effective treatment, ringworm can cause balding. Having a baby: After giving birth, some
Have you even wondered why, as you grow older, your skin doesn’t look as plump, tight or smooth as it used to? While there can be many reasons why your skin changes with age, one of the main reasons is the reduction of collagen. Collagen is, quite simply, a
Medium Chemical Peels: For medium peels, the chemical trichloroacetic acid (TCA) is commonly used. This chemical works well for treating fine surface wrinkles, superficial blemishes and pigmentation problems. Similar to the light chemical peel, medium chemical peels require less downtime than a deeper peel. TCA peels are the preferred choice for patients