According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), consumers should be wary of sunscreens boasting a super high sun protection factor (SPF). SPF shows how much the sunscreen will protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays. For example, an SPF of 50 would theoretically allow a person to remain in the sun 50 times longer before getting burnt by the sun.

The EWG reports the problem to be that “people trust these products too much.” The protection difference between a 50 SPF and a 100 SPF is minor – you will get virtually the same amount of protection from both SPF values. People using the higher SPF products often get a false sense of security and end up applying less product and staying out in the sun longer than they should.

Most SPF products only block ultraviolet B (UVB) rays and are not aimed to protect from ultraviolet A (UVA) rays. The UVA rays penetrate the skin deeper and are harder to block. Higher SPF products do not typically provide UVA protection.

Skin cancer is on the rise so it is absolutely necessary to wear sunscreen every day to protect your skin. Aside from skin cancer, overexposure to the sun can cause premature aging in the form of facial wrinkles/lines, skin discoloration and more.

If your skin is showing signs of sun damage, there are ways to combat the damage and rejuvenate your skin. Non-surgical treatments such as laser skin treatments, chemical peels, BOTOX, injectable dermal fillers are offered by Dr. Holy at The Center for Advanced Dermatology in Phoenix. A consultation can help you determine which treatment can revitalize your skin and make you look younger. Dr. Holy also offers skin screenings for skin cancer. Contact The Center for Advanced Dermatology today at or 602-867-7546.

To learn more about the sunscreen brands that EWG considers the best, click here.