There are many common skin problems that affect patients in Phoenix. These can range from mild irritations to quite serious diseases. In some cases, common skin problems that affect the skin can be hazardous to your health or even life-threatening if left untreated. These include:
Acne: Acne is an extremely common skin problem caused by oil trapped in ducts beneath your skin. On your face alone 15,000-20,000 oil glands work to keep the skin elastic and soft. When the oil cannot rise to lubricate the surface of your skin, it builds up in the ducts, bacteria grow then inflammation occurs. Acne is most common among teenagers, but it can start or continue into adulthood.
Eczema: This is a chronic condition in which the skin becomes itchy, reddened, cracked and dry. It affects both males and females, as well as people from different ethnic backgrounds. This condition can affect children, teens and adults.
Sun Damage: Overexposure to the sun can cause a variety of skin conditions, not just sunburns, wrinkles or skin cancer. You may also experience uneven pigmentation, lentigines (also referred to as age spots or liver spots), labial lentigo (a dark brown lesion that develops on lips) and solar elastosis (a breakdown of collagen and connective tissue which causes the skin to sag). Dr. Holy can effectively diagnose and treat existing sun damage and help you prevent future damage.
Atypical Moles: Atypical moles most commonly appear on the back but may appear anywhere on the body, including below the waist, on the scalp or other areas. They may fade into surrounding skin and include a flat portion that is level with the skin surface. They may be smooth, slightly scaly or have a rough, irregular appearance. Atypical moles are usually not present at birth but develop some time later. Several types of atypical moles are known to develop before melanoma. Atypical moles are the most common precursor, but not all atypical moles develop into melanoma. It is important to have Dr. Holy examine any mole that you feel is suspicious or is changing.
Treating Skin Problems
While you can do your best to prevent skin problems from occurring, it’s important to visit your dermatologist if you experience these problems or any others. There are great treatment solutions available today for most skin problems. In Phoenix, Dr. Holy has several treatment options available depending on your unique skin. If you would like to schedule a consultation, contact The Center for Advanced Dermatology at 602-867-7546 or mddermsolutions.com today.