One of the most common reasons that patients consult a dermatologist is for the treatment of scars. Scarring is a big deal for many patients for a variety of reasons: Scars may be painful, itchy or unsightly. Scar formation is a normal response following any injury or surgery; it is the way the body heals injured structures. Although scars are an inevitable and natural part of the healing process for most dermal wounds, dealing with scars can be difficult.

Most scars do not produce poor cosmetic or functional results. The original scar tissue is gradually replaced during the end phase of healing, resulting in a reduction in redness, elevation and firm consistency of the tissue to produce a flat, soft, pale scar that is level with the adjacent skin. If, however, this delicate balance is not achieved during the healing process, the resulting scar may display abnormalities and be unsightly.

Common ways to treat scars include:

Scar Removal – For some, excising the scar can improve it by changing the shape or direction. Scar excision is a procedure in which a scar is either removed or modified to improve cosmetic appearance.

Topical Products – Topical products for scars are plentiful; however, it is difficult to decipher effective topical products over the less effective ones. Studies have shown sun protection in addition to silicone-based gels or pads can enhance scar renovation and reduce overall scar appearance.

Pulsed dye lasers (PDL) – Pulsed dye lasers shoot an intense but gentle beam of laser light at the optimal frequency absorbed by blood vessels into your skin. The dilated blood vessels are destroyed by the pulses of laser energy. The treatment also helps to stimulate the production of new collagen in your skin which can help in the skin’s natural healing process as well as help in decreasing the appearance of scars and stretch marks. Typically, several treatments are involved and the scar becomes softer and less prominent with each.

Fractionated Lasers – This laser generates columns of heat that go under the deep dermis to cause inflammation. As a result of the inflammation, the remaining tissue produces collagen and elastin which work to heal the skin. These fibers also tighten the area. Healthier and tighter skin means that the scars become much less noticeable.

Scarring is an unfortunate part of life. Whether from acne, chicken pox, surgery or trauma, the damage that a scar causes can be significant and long-lasting. With the onset of new treatments and medical advancements, there is new hope for dealing with scars.

For help dealing with your scars and to learn about treatment methods in Phoenix, contact The Center for Advanced Dermatology at 602-867-7546 or today.